Mechanism driving molecular network formation
Scientists have identified a new property, interface flexibility, that controls how certain molecules naturally self-organize into crystalline supramolecular networks. This significant discovery could change the design of synthetic molecules for network growth at the nanoscale.
An enzyme to disarm tumours
Scientists from the University of Geneva have discovered an enzyme in cancerous lymphatic cells whose properties enable the immune system to fight tumours more effectively.
Curbing the Global Spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Cases of bacterial sexually transmitted infections are on the rise worldwide. An international team led by the University of Zurich has now developed a new method for genome sequencing and discovered a previously unrecognized strain of chlamydia
The molecular einstein
Is it possible to tile a surface with a single shape in such a way that the pattern never repeats itself? In 2022, a mathematical solution to this "einstein problem" was discovered for the first time. researchers have now also found a chemical solution: a molecule that arranges itself into complex, non-repeating patterns on a surface. The resulting aperiodic layer could even exhibit novel physical properties.
Wissenschaftliche*r Assistent*in im Bereich Wasser- und Lufthygiene 80 -100% Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur
Masterstudent*in 50% und Wissenschaftliche*r Assistent*in 50% im Institut für Bauingenieurwesen Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur
Chargé-e de cours HES - Pour le Laboratoire d’enseignement et de recherche... HES-SO Genève

Professeur-e ordinaire ou associé-e, médecin chef-fe du Service de rhumatologie Université de Genève et Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, HUG