Novel App Tracks Travel-Related Illnesses
On around one in three trips someone falls ill, with gastrointestinal and respiratory complaints among the most common symptoms. These are the findings of a new study based on data from a travel app developed by researchers at the University of Zurich. The app could be used in the future to help detect outbreaks of contagious diseases at an early stage.
Effectiveness of Organised Youth Sports in Switzerland
Maintaining physical activity throughout life is crucial for health and well-being. However, the age-related decline in average physical activity is a challenge.
More intense physical activity will help you live longer
As a general rule, regular physical activity is healthy. A research team from the University of Basel has now found that the intensity of the activity impacts the mortality risk.
New test improves diagnosis of allergies
Researchers at the University of Bern and Bern University Hospital have developed a test to simplify the diagnosis of allergies. Its effectiveness has now been confirmed in clinical samples from children and adolescents suffering from a peanut allergy. The results could fundamentally improve the clinical diagnosis of allergies in future.
A novel approach to combat fatty liver disease
Blocking the enzyme ACMSD can significantly reduce damage caused by metabolic liver disease according to a study from EPFL.
Postdoc Scientist in Clinical Bioinformatics (80-100 %) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Muttenz
Chef/fe de la section nuisances et laboratoire (80-100%) Chef/in der Sektion Umweltbelastung und Labor... Etat du Valais - Service de l’environnement, Sion
Cheffe / Chef de la section eaux de surface et déchets (80-100%) Chefin / Chef der Sektion Oberflächengewässer... Etat du Valais - Service de l’environnement, Sion
PostDoc ’Dairy Housing Emissions when Combined with Grazing’ Agroscope, Ettenhausen
Faculty Position in Surface and Interface Science & Tribology EPFL, Lausanne
Associate Professor in Educational Science University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI