How much CO2 does Zurich emit?

Environment - Dec 12

To achieve net zero, we need to reduce our CO2 emissions quickly and efficiently. An EU project involving Empa has selected Zurich as one of three pilot cities in Europe to accurately measure and model their carbon dioxide emissions. The findings will help cities to achieve their climate targets.

Environment - Dec 12

Making heatwaves in cities more bearable


Plants and water can mitigate heat in cities. Using Zurich as a case study, researchers tested a climate model which indicates how large the effect of green and blue spaces is. The model supports urban planning and shows where improvements would be particularly effective.

Life Sciences - Dec 11

Biological diversity is not just the result of genes

Life Sciences

A UNIGE study reveals how mechanics, linked to tissue growth, help generate the diversity of biological structures.

Life Sciences - Dec 11

Empathy and cooperation in rats

Life Sciences

Rats release trapped companions, subsequently enabling them to collaborate for acquiring food. Experiments conducted at the University of Bern established this connection between obliging liberation behaviour and coordinated cooperation. These results may point towards a biological basis for empathy, presenting new perspectives on the evolutionary origins of compassionate behaviour.

Environment - Dec 10

Tropical forests: human intervention changes tree species diversity


An international team of researchers involving the University of Bern has investigated the consequences of deforestation and degradation of tropical forests. They were able to show that there are "winner" and "loser" species, whereby the displacement of the "losers" can lead to a decline in the ecological functions of tropical forests.