The two-headed Hydra is not just a myth

Life Sciences - Jan 17
Life Sciences

A team from the University of Geneva shows how to produce two-headed and donut Hydras simply by applying pressure to their bodies. The Hydra is a small aquatic species found in freshwater ponds and lakes. This animal fascinates scientists because of its ability to regenerate its head or foot when they are cut off.

Environment - Jan 16

The cost of climate-neutral aviation in the future


Flight ticket prices could rise by 50 percent if aviation is made climate-neutral. This is an estimate from a new study by researchers at ETH Zurich. It is based in particular on the use of synthetic fuels.

Atlantic circulation stable for decades

Earth Sciences

A study by the University of Bern and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the USA concludes that ocean circulation in the North Atlantic, which includes the Gulf Stream, has not weakened over the past 60 years. These results contradict previous assumptions.

Health - Jan 16

Sophisticated early warning system: How bacteria respond to threats


University of Basel researchers have discovered that bacteria can sense threats in advance through a general danger signal. Bacteria detect when nearby cells are dying and proactively form a protective biofilm. Understanding how bacteria communicate and respond to threats is crucial for combating infections.

Not all’Hot Jupiters orbit solo

Astronomy & Space

A UNIGE study shows that Hot Jupiters do not systematically eject their planetary neighbours during migration.

Selected Job Offers
Pharmacology - 17.01
Professor of Pharmaceutical or Biopharmaceutical Process Engineering (80-100%) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Windisch
Social Sciences - 17.01
Doktorand*in mit qualitativem Profil in der sozialen Arbeit Berner Fachhochschule
Agronomy/Food Science - 16.01
Head of ’Socioeconomics’ Research Group Agroscope, Ettenhausen (planned place of work in the medium term: 1725 Posieux FR) and working from home
Physics - 15.01
Beamline Scientist for software development at MX beamlines PSI, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen
Social Sciences - 15.01
Full Professor of Social Work (50%) University of Neuchâtel
Employers of the Week