Better protection for Earth’s dark sky
For millennia humans have been inspired by the stars but this may soon be a thing of the past due to a significant increase in the numbers of satellites, potentially limiting our view of the night sky. scientists are part of a global initiative to better protect Earth's Dark and Quiet Skies.
How the latest sensors analyse body fluids
A new generation of wearable sensors will fundamentally change medicine. Researchers at ETH Zurich have now published an overview showing what is possible with such sensors and what questions their developers should consider to ensure their successful future use.
CRISPR-Cas technology: balancing efficiency and safety
Researchers have uncovered a serious side effect of using the CRISPR-Cas gene scissors. A molecule designed to make the process more efficient destroys parts of the genome.
CLOUD experiment resolves puzzle of new aerosol particles in upper troposphere
In a paper published today in the journal Nature , the CLOUD collaboration at CERN reveals a new source of atmospheric aerosol particles that could help scientists to refine climate models.
Decoding protein interactions: A step toward personalized medicine
Understanding how proteins interact is essential to decoding cellular processes and communication. In a groundbreaking study, researchers at the Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI) have explored how every possible mutation in a protein affects its ability to bind with its partners, shedding light on how mutations influence cellular functions and the evolution of proteins.
Postdoc Scientist in Clinical Bioinformatics (80-100 %) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Windisch
Professeur-e assistant-e avec prétitularisation conditionnelle en linguistique Université de Genève
Wissenschaftliche:r Assistent:in im Bereich KI-basierte Digitale Innovation 50 -70% (m/w/d) Universität Liechtenstein
Research Associate (Postdoc) in Innovative and Digital Finance and/or Impact Finance 60-80% (m/f/d) University of Liechtenstein