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Faculty Position in Metabolism

ArbeitsortLausanne, Genfersee Region, Schweiz

Faculty Position in Metabolism

The School of Life Sciences at EPFL invites applications for a faculty position in Metabolism. The appointment will be at the Tenure Track Assistant Professor level.


We seek candidates in the broad field of metabolism who are applying bioengineering and quantitative research strategies to study the pivotal role of metabolism in health and disease, including aspects related to nutrition, cancer and age-related diseases.

The successful candidate must have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Bachelor and Master teaching will be in the Life Sciences Engineering curriculum, thus the ability of the candidate to teach STEM subjects and/or bioengineering topics will be positively valued.

The successful candidate will be a part of EPFL’s multidisciplinary environment and is expected to perform and coordinate highly interactive research, reaching out and taking advantage of EPFL’s interdisciplinary campus (Schools of Basic Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, and Information and Communication Technologies).

Wir bieten

EPFL attracts top students from all over the world and offers internationally competitive salaries, generous research funding, start-up envelopes and world-class research infrastructure.

The EPFL environment is multilingual and multicultural. Switzerland has an exceptionally high human development index and consistently ranks highly in quality of life, economic competitiveness, and innovation.

Kontakt und Adresse

The application package should include the following documents in pdf format: cover letter, a curriculum vitae including a publication list, a synopsis of major accomplishments, and a concise statement of future research agenda and teaching interests, along with the names and contact of three to five references who are ready to supply a letter upon request.

Application deadline: 15 October 2024

Applications should be uploaded to the EPFL recruitment page:­positiondetails/56164352

Inquiries can be addressed to:

Profs Kristina Schoonjans and Bart Deplankce
Co-Chairs of the Search Committee

Further information on EPFL and our School is available at and

EPFL is an equal opportunity employer and family friendly university. It is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. It strongly encourages women to apply.


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