When statistics rhyme with culture

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© olia danilevich
© olia danilevich
Is it possible to unite the worlds of statistics and culture’ This was discussed during a seminar organised by DECS. Stefano Scagnolari, lecturer-researcher at the Faculty of Economics at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), explained to the TV programme "Quotidiano" (RSI) how these two fields can come together to benefit tourism.

What is the point of convergence between two seemingly opposing worlds: the rational world of statistics and the realm of culture’ The answer is more straightforward than one might expect, and it was partially revealed during a seminar organised by DECS. The key seems to lie in cross-referencing mathematical data with cultural data, as explained by Stefano Scagnolari, Head of USI Tourism Observatory (O-Tur): "When analysing tourism, numbers are not enough to understand a person’s experience. The typical indicators we use, e.g., arrivals, overnight stays, and tourist expenses, do not give information about tourists’ motivations". The researcher emphasised that for analyses to provide real value, it’s important to understand various aspects that can only be revealed by combining mathematical and statistical methods with cultural and humanistic approaches. To effectively shape tourism policies, traditional data must be cross-referenced with additional information, such as travellers’ origins, motivations for travelling, and their levels of education.

"Statistics can be a vital resource for the tourism sector, as it helps guide decisions by minimising uncertainty in future choices. Analysing numbers and data enables us to undertake this kind of assessment effectively.".