Find all institutions and companies dealing with public or private research in Switzerland.

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Results 1 - 10 of 10 for "Musique". [0.01 sec.]

Lucerne School of Music
Lucerne School of Music | Location: Lucerne - Central Switzerland | MAZ, Zentralstrasse 18, 6003 Luzern | Category: Music | Affiliation: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences

Lausanne School of Music - HEMU
Location: Lausanne - Lake Geneva region Haute école de musique - Conservatoire de Lausanne (HES-SO), Rue de la Grotte 2, 1003

Geneva School of Music - HEM
Location: Geneva - Lake Geneva region Conservatoire de Musique de Genève, Rue de l'Arquebuse 12, 1204 Genève Affiliation:

Basel Academy of Music
Basel Academy of Music | Location: Basel - North West Switzerland | Leonhardsstrasse 6, 4051 Basel | Category: Music | Affiliation: FHNW University
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University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, HES-SO
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, HES-SO | Location: Delémont - North Romandie | Route de Moutier 14, 2800 Delémont | Affiliation: swissuni
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FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Northwestern Switzerland
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Northwestern Switzerland | Location: Windisch - North West Switzerland | Bahnhofstrasse 6, 5210 Windisch | Af
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Lucerne University of Applied Sciences
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences | Location: Lucerne - Central Switzerland | Werftestrasse 4, 6005 Luzern | Affiliation: swissuniversities

HES-SO Vaud | Location: Lausanne - Lake Geneva region | Avenue de l'Elysée 4, 1006 Lausanne | Affiliation: University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
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HES-SO Geneva
HES-SO Geneva | Location: Geneva - Lake Geneva Region | Rue de la Tambourine 2, 1227 Carouge | Affiliation: University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerlan

Animato FoundationAnimato Foundation | Location: Zurich - Zurich region | Uraniastrasse 18, 8001 Zürich | Category: Music | The foundation aims at promoting young and talented soloists and orchestra musicians from Europe.