Toxicology (2022)

LocationGeneva, Lake Geneva region, Switzerland

Registration to individual modules

You can register to individual modules up to one month before the start of the lessons. Check the dates in the timetable (link in pink) and contact us if you have any questions.

CHF 11’000.- for the programme
CHF 1’100.- for those attending the practical part of Module 4

Special fee for individual modules

Provide specialized education and training in toxicological sciences and risk assessment with a focus on human toxicology, leading to a recognized academic qualification.

Graduate employed in a toxicological field who wishes to obtain a recognized academic qualification in toxicology.
Graduate with a Master's degree in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, biochemistry, chemistry, biology or a diploma deemed as equivalent.

Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology (SCAHT) o Universities of Basel, Lausanne and Zürich o Centre of Competence in Analytic Chemistry and Toxicology (CCCTA) o Swiss Society of Toxicology o Swiss Register of Toxicologists o Centre Ecotox, eawag/EPFL

The Master of Advanced Studies in Toxicology provides a comprehensive educational programme recognized by national and international professional bodies as a postgraduate academic qualification in toxicology. It is designed to fulfill the needs of recently graduated students who are already in employment and potential employers in industry, academia and regulatory bodies.

The assessment of the potential risk of chemicals and pharmaceuticals to which humans and the environment are exposed provides the necessary basis for protection measures. This increasingly complex process has created a demand for qualified scientists in industry, academia and regulatory bodies with the appropriate knowledge, experience and professional qualification.

The MAS in Toxicology was initiated in 2010 by the Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology (SCAHT) as part of its mandate to promote education and continued professional development in this important discipline. The curriculum has been developed by the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne (Ecole de Pharmacie Genève-Lausanne). The master is part of an educational platform of collaboration with the Universities of Zürich and Basel, the Swiss Society of Toxicology, the Swiss Register of Toxicologists, the Centre of Competence in Analytic Chemistry and Toxicology (CCCTA), the Centre for Ecotoxicology (eawag/EPFL), regulatory authorities, and the pharmaceutical and chemical industry.

The curriculum is designed to comply with the regulations for toxicological training set by the Swiss Register of Toxicologists and EUROTOX. Successful completion of the course may be used towards fulfillment of the requirements for professional registration as a toxicologist. Please note that in order to achieve professional registration other conditions apply as well.

Master Thesis 30 ECTS Credits Prof. Martin Wilks The master thesis involves 14 weeks of research work in one of the areas of toxicology covered by the MAS programme.
This comprises carrying out the research itself (bibliographical research and practical work, which may or may not include an experimental part), writing up a report (thesis) and attending a viva voce (thesis oral defence) at the University of Geneva.
The thesis requires an original piece of work by the student which consists primarily of defining the topic, organizing the research, contributing new information or insights adding to the sum of knowledge in the chosen field, expressing a viewpoint and presenting a clearly written text.
The master thesis is carried out under the supervision of a director from a Swiss University appointed by the Board of Directors.
Admission to a master thesis project is open to students who have obtained sufficient credits to pass Module 1 (Basic principles in toxicology).
Attending the viva requires the successful completion of all course modules.

Bachelor in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Biology or equivalent + at least 3 years of professional experience in a field related to toxicology.

Prof. Aurélien Thomas, Unit of Toxicology, University Center of Legal Medicine, Lausanne-Geneva; Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne

Dr Jean Terrier, Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva

Module 1A CHF 750.- Basic Principles in toxicology A

Module 1B CHF 750.- Basic Principles in Toxicology B

Module 2 CHF 1’000.- Xenobiotic Metabolism, Toxicogenetics

Module 3 CHF 1’500.- Organ Toxicology

Module 4 CHF 500.- Analytical Toxicology

Module 5 CHF 600.- Biostatistics

Module 6 CHF 600.- Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis and Teratogenesis

Module 7 CHF 1’100.- Molecular Endocrinology

Module 8 CHF 750.- Risk Assessment and Regulatory Toxicology

Module 9 CHF 750.- Clinical Toxicology, Immunotoxicology

Module 10 CHF 750.- Epidemiology, Food and Industrial Toxicology

Module 11 CHF 750.- Ecotoxicology

Module 12 CHF 750.- Forensic Toxicology

Module 13.1 CHF 100.- Animal Experimentation (theory)

Module 13.2 CHF 1’100.- Animal Experimentation (practical)

Module 14 CHF 600.- Alternatives to Animal Experimentation

University of Basel, University of Lausanne, University of Zürich, Swiss Center for Applied Human Toxicology (SCAHT), Centre de Compétence en Chimie et Toxicologie Analytiques (CCCTA), Swiss Society of Toxicology, Swiss Register of Toxicologists, Centre Suisse d'Écotoxicologie Appliquée (Eawag-EPFL)

We are very proud to have been awarded the  ccCTA 2021 price for the promotion and development of postgraduate education in toxicology! This price aims to reward a project, a person, an initiative, or a scientific publication that has made a major contribution in the field of analytics and/or toxicology. 

Dr Marc Fathi and Dr Jean Terrier
Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Intensive Care
Faculty of Medicine / Geneva University

Les termes utilisés pour désigner des personnes sont pris au sens générique; ils ont à la fois la valeur d’un masculin et d’un féminin.

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