Classical papers in molecular genetics

LocationGeneva, Lake Geneva region, Switzerland
CategoryLife Sciences

You have all heard about the DNA double helix and genes. Many of you know that mutations occur randomly, that the DNA sequence is read by successive groups of three bases (the codons), that many genes encode enzymes, and that gene expression can be regulated.

These concepts were proposed on the basis of astute genetic experiments, as well as often on biochemical results. The original articles were these concepts appeared are however not frequently part of the normal curriculum of biologists, biochemists and medical students.

This course proposes to read study and discuss a small selection of these classical papers, and to put these landmarks in their historical context. Most of the authors displayed interesting personal histories and many of their contributions go beyond not only the papers we will read but probably all their scientific papers. Our understanding of the scientific process, of the philosophy underlying the process of scientific discovery, and on the integration of new concepts is not only important for the history of science but also for the mental development of creative science.

Depuis 2013, l’Universite produit des « cours en ligne ouverts et massifs » (MOOCs, pour Massive Open Online Courses). Il s’agit de formations en ligne de niveau universitaire dont l’ensemble est scénarisé et structuré autour d’un contenu, d’activités d’apprentissage, d’interactions et d’évaluations. Ils sont ouverts à toutes et tous sans restriction d’accès liée à l’âge, la profession ou le niveau d’étude.

Cette initiative vise a mettre a la portee de toutes et tous les cours des meilleures universites du monde, avec des exigences en termes de suivi et d’évaluation aussi elevees que pour les étudiantes régulières et etudiants reguliers. En effet, lances en 2011 par des professeurs d’informatique de l’Universite de Stanford aux États-Unis, les MOOCs comptabilisent aujourd’hui plusieurs centaines de millions d’inscrit-es réparti-es dans le monde entier. Les universites engagees dans cette voie comptent parmi les plus prestigieuses institutions mondiales.

Les MOOCs de l’Université sont proposés sur la plateforme Coursera.

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Since 2013, the University has been producing "massive open online courses" (MOOCs). These are university-level online courses that are scripted and structured around content, learning activities, interactions and assessments. They are open to everybody, without access-restrictions based on age, profession or level of study.

This initiative aims to make courses from the best universities in the world available to everybody, with monitoring and assessment requirements as high as for regular students. Launched in 2011 by computer science professors at Stanford University, MOOCs now have several hundred million students worldwide. The universities involved in this process include some of the world’s most prestigious institutions.

The University of Geneva’s MOOCs are offered on the Coursera platform .

Les termes utilisés pour désigner des personnes sont pris au sens générique; ils ont à la fois la valeur d’un masculin et d’un féminin.

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