Record-breaking laser pulses

Physics - Oct 11

Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a laser that produces the strongest ultra-short laser pulses to date. In the future, such high power pulses could be used for precision measurements or materials processing.

Health - Oct 11

A new turn in the fight against cancer

The groundbreaking discovery at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) in Bellinzona, affiliated with USI, has revealed, through the study of DNA repair mechanisms, a function of a protein with the ability to fight specific cancerous formations.

Chemistry - Oct 10

How catalysts remove dangerous nitrogen oxides


Catalysts belonging to the zeolite family help to remove toxic nitrogen oxides from industrial emissions.

Environment - Oct 11

Catastrophically warm predictions are more plausible than we thought


Researchers developed a rating system to evaluate the plausibility of climate model simulations in the IPCC's latest report, and show that models that lead to potentially catastrophic warming are to be taken seriously.

Environment - Oct 10

Mitigating the consequences of heavy rainfall with Blue-Green Infrastructure


During heavy rainfall, sewage systems are frequently overloaded, leading to untreated wastewater being discharged into surface waters. Modelling techniques used by researchers now show that the volume of such combined sewer overflows could more than triple as a result of climate change However, these studies also reveal that this increase could be avoided through the use of Blue-Green Infrastructure, such as infiltration basins, retention ponds, and porous pavements.

Selected Job Offers
Life Sciences - 19.06
PhD Candidate Bioorganic Chemistry Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Muttenz
Environment - 11.10
Chef/fe de la section nuisances et laboratoire (80-100%) Chef/in der Sektion Umweltbelastung und Labor... Etat du Valais - Service de l’environnement, Sion
Agronomy/Food Science - 10.10
PostDoc ’Dairy Housing Emissions when Combined with Grazing’ Agroscope, Ettenhausen
Economics - 10.10
Postdoktorand:in 65 % (m/w/d) Universität Liechtenstein
Materials Science - 09.10
Faculty Position in Surface and lnterface Science & Tribology EPFL, Lausanne
Pedagogy - 07.10
Associate Professor of Educational Testing University of Luxembourg
Pedagogy - 04.10
Associate Professor in Educational Science University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI
Employers of the Week