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Pharmacology - 17.01
Professor of Pharmaceutical or Biopharmaceutical Process Engineering (80-100%) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Windisch
Social Sciences - 17.01
Doktorand*in mit qualitativem Profil in der sozialen Arbeit Berner Fachhochschule
Agronomy/Food Science - 16.01
Head of ’Socioeconomics’ Research Group Agroscope, Ettenhausen (planned place of work in the medium term: 1725 Posieux FR) and working from home
Physics - 15.01
Beamline Scientist for software development at MX beamlines PSI, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen
Social Sciences - 15.01
Full Professor of Social Work (50%) University of Neuchâtel
Music - 10.01
Responsable du département des instruments de l’orchestre HES-SO Genève, Genève et Neuchâtel
Environment - 09.01
Postdoctoral Scientist in Human Immunology (100%) CK-CARE AG, Davos Wolfgang
Education - 08.01
Senior Lecturer (MER2) in Child and adolescent psychology, and consultations UNIL - Faculté des SSP, Lausanne
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