news from the lab 2016
Computer Science
Results 1 - 14 of 14.
Computer Science - 18.10.2016
Plotting Pokémon Go's success
Since the popular game came out this past summer, the number of videos about it on YouTube has skyrocketed.
Computer Science - Health - 11.10.2016
Ultrasound imaging is gaining in precision
Researchers have developed an image-reconstruction algorithm that improves the performance of ultrasound equipment. This breakthrough could have important implications in the fields of cardiology and neurosurgery. Over the past 30 years, ultrasound has become one of the most widely used imaging technologies in medicine.
Microtechnics - Computer Science - 15.07.2016
A drone that gets around obstacles like an insect
Physics student Darius Merk has used an insect-inspired algorithm to develop a drone that can navigate around obstacles.
Computer Science - 07.07.2016
3D animation with the stroke of a pen
Mosketch, a software developed by Moka Studio and EPFL, lets you generate 3D animation without sophisticated training.
Life Sciences - Computer Science - 29.06.2016
A new robot mimics vertebrate motion
29. Based on X-ray videos, EPFL scientists have invented a new robot that mimics the way salamanders walk and swim with unprecedented detail: a tool for understanding the evolution of vertebrate locomotion. EPFL scientists have invented a new robot that mimics the gait of a salamander with unprecedented detail.
Computer Science - 24.06.2016
They have discovered the key to optimizing information transfer
24. EPFL researchers have come up with a way to optimize information transfer, solving a problem that has confounded researchers for 60 years. Their breakthrough could enhance the quality of our , from smartphones to satellite transmissions and data storage. We all need to send and receive data, such as when ing a movie, saving photos to a hard drive and talking on the phone.
Computer Science - 10.06.2016
Artificial intelligence predicts the winners of Euro 2016 games
10. EPFL researchers have developed a website that calculates the likely winners of Euro 2016 soccer games, using a more complex and accurate model than conventional statistical methods.
Computer Science - Microtechnics - 03.06.2016
The robot Thymio is finding its niche in French schools
03. Thymio, the teaching robot designed by EPFL and widely used in French-speaking Switzerland, is now making inroads elsewhere in Europe.
Computer Science - 25.05.2016
Augmented reality for firefighters
25. An EPFL team is working on a smart visor that, combined with a thermal imaging camera, will help firefighters see what's around them in real time, even at night and in smoke.
Computer Science - Microtechnics - 30.03.2016
Open-source microprocessor
In future, it will be easier and cheaper for developers at universities and SMEs to build wearable microelectronic devices and chips for the Internet of Things, thanks to the PULPino open-source processor, which has been developed at ETH Zurich and the University of Bologna.
Computer Science - Environment - 21.03.2016
Human eyes assist drones, teach machines to see
21. Drone images accumulate much faster than they can be analyzed. Researchers have developed a new approach that combines crowdsourcing and machine learning to speed up the process. Who would win in a real-life game of "Where's Waldo," humans or computers? A recent study suggests that when speed and accuracy are critical, an approach combing both human and machine intelligence would take the prize.
Computer Science - Microtechnics - 26.02.2016
A smart walking aid
Computer scientists and roboticists at ETH Zurich have developed a robotic walker that makes senior citizens more mobile.
Computer Science - Astronomy / Space - 10.02.2016
Math reveals unseen worlds of Star Wars
10. Using a new computer program, EPFL researchers offer unusual insight into the universe of Star Wars, which includes more than 20,000 characters spread among 640 communities over a period of 36,000 years. Do you think you know all there is to know about Star Wars? You may change your mind after reading this article.
Innovation - Computer Science - 13.01.2016
3D mapping of entire buildings with mobile devices
Computer scientists working in a group led by ETH Professor Marc Pollefeys have developed a piece of software that makes it very easy to create 3D models of entire buildings.