news 2024
Results 1 - 8 of 8.
Social Sciences - Economics - 10.09.2024
Pension provision: Swiss in favor of solidarity
For employees between the ages of 20 and 65, solidarity in pension provision is important, and is particularly pronounced in the AHV. But it is also strong in the 2nd pillar. These are the findings of a study by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) has once again sounded out the Swiss population on the subject of retirement planning.
Economics - 02.07.2024
Crucial Gaps in Climate Risk Assessment Methods
Researchers from the Universities of Zurich, Vienna and Utrecht have uncovered significant flaws in current climate risk assessment techniques that could lead to a severe underestimation of climate-related financial losses for businesses and investors. A study by Stefano Battiston of the Department of Finance at the University of Zurich and his co-authors has identified critical shortcomings in the way climate-related risks to corporate assets are currently assessed.
Innovation - Economics - 28.05.2024
Retail banks: cryptocurrencies on the rise as an investment
Despite widespread skepticism, more and more retail banks are offering cryptocurrencies as a fully-fledged asset class. While some banks are specifically building up their own expertise in blockchain, most are relying on third-party providers. These are the findings of a new study by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Economics - 29.04.2024
With a gambling ban against addiction and over-indebtedness
Since 2000, Switzerland has had a statutory gambling ban. This can be applied for voluntarily by those affected or ordered by casinos and lotteries in order to prevent over-indebtedness. A study by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has investigated whether this gambling ban is an effective measure to protect players and how it affects the gambling behavior and quality of life of those affected.
Life Sciences - Economics - 29.04.2024
Genome editing: huge potential in Africa
Before the advent of CRISPR-Cas9 in 2012, precise genome modification was a complex process requiring heavy investment. Simple and fast, this revolutionary technology enables scientists to cut the DNA of plants, animals and humans at precise points, opening up previously unimaginable opportunities, such as the creation of disease-resistant plants or the treatment of diseases of genetic origin .
Economics - Health - 18.04.2024
CEOs’ Human Concern Translates into Higher Stock Price
Compassionate leadership has tangible benefits: CEOs' expressions of empathy correlate with positive stock performance, a study led by the University of Zurich shows. The researchers analyzed data from conference calls between CEOs and financial analysts during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted an unprecedented financial crisis.
Economics - 21.03.2024
How comparison options affect stock buys
Should I invest my money with a small chance of big returns? Or is it better to pick investments that promise a series of modest returns? A psychologist from the University of Basel conducted a scientific experiment to study when people prefer certain types of investments. When a company first goes public on the stock exchange, the corresponding securities are referred to as IPO (initial public offering) shares.
Pharmacology - Economics - 18.01.2024
A navigation system to combat bottlenecks in medication supply
A new model designed by researchers measures how flexible medication distribution systems are in real time. It shows that supply shortages can be eased if pharmaceutical wholesalers coordinate their inventories and reroute scarce products as flexibly as possible along existing supply chains. Supply bottlenecks for medications present major challenges to healthcare systems the world over.