Results 1 - 20 of 246.
Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 03.02.2025

Meteoroid impacts create seismic waves that cause Mars to shake stronger and deeper than previously thought: This is shown by an investigation using artificial intelligence carried out by an international research team led by the University of Bern. Similarities were found between numerous meteoroid impacts on the surface of Mars and marsquakes recorded by NASA's Mars lander InSight.
Astronomy / Space - 28.01.2025

An international team, including the University of Geneva, has discovered a super-Earth that will enable astronomers to test new hypotheses in the search for life in the Universe. Thirty years after the discovery of the first exoplanet, we detected more than 7000 of them in our Galaxy. But there are still billions more to be discovered! At the same time, exoplanetologists have begun to take an interest in their characteristics, with the aim of finding life elsewhere in the Universe.
Astronomy / Space - Campus - 15.01.2025

A UNIGE study shows that Hot Jupiters do not systematically eject their planetary neighbours during migration. This discovery overturns our perception of the architecture of planetary systems. Hot Jupiters are giant planets initially known to orbit alone close to their star. During their migration towards their star, these planets were thought to accrete or eject any other planets present.
Astronomy / Space - Environment - 05.12.2024

For millennia humans have been inspired by the stars but this may soon be a thing of the past due to a significant increase in the numbers of satellites, potentially limiting our view of the night sky.
Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 24.11.2024

By analyzing a Martian meteorite, scientists from the University of Lausanne and Curtin University have discovered traces of water dating back 4.45 billion years in the crust of Mars, i.e. to the beginning of the Red Planet's formation. This new information reinforces the hypothesis that Mars may have been habitable at some point in its history.
Astronomy / Space - Campus - 13.11.2024

An international team led by the University of Geneva has discovered three ultra-massive galaxies in the early Universe forming at unexpected speeds, challenging current models of galaxy formation. An international team led by the University of Geneva has identified three ultra-massive galaxies - nearly as massive as the Milky Way - already in place within the first billion years after the Big Bang.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 11.11.2024

A French-Swiss team tests the famous physicist's predictions by calculating the distortion of time and space. Gravitational lensing of distant galaxies by the galaxy cluster Abell 2390, observed by the Euclid satellite . ESA/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA, image processing by J.-C. Cuillandre (CEA Paris-Saclay), G. Anselmi Why is the expansion of our Universe accelerating' Twenty-five years after its discovery, this phenomenon remains one of the greatest scientific mysteries.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 04.11.2024
ESA comes to Switzerland
As a journalist, do you have general questions about PSI? Are you looking for an expert on your topic? Get in touch with our The signing of a contract between the European Space Agency ESA and PSI marks the start of the European Space Deep-Tech Innovation Centre ESDI. "Magic" element challenges current model of nucleosynthesis Surprising measurements lead to the discovery of an unknown process.
Astronomy / Space - 01.10.2024

A team of scientists including researchers from the University of Bern, the University of Geneva and the NCCR PlanetS used the ESPRESSO Spectrograph to discover a sub-Earth mass exoplanet orbiting Barnard's star, the second-closest star system to the Sun. This discovery helps to understand planetary formation around red dwarfs and provides insights into the diversity of planetary systems in our cosmic neighbourhood.
Agronomy / Food Science - Astronomy / Space - 26.09.2024

ETH spin-off Terensis is able to forecast the harvest yield and climate risks such as droughts and frost with the help of satellites.
Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 17.09.2024

An international team, including UNIGE, unveiled the "Neptunian Ridge", an overdensity of Neptunes nestled between the Neptunian Desert and the Neptunian Savanna. Astronomers have uncovered the ''Neptunian Ridge'', a newly identified feature in the distribution of exoplanets. This discovery, led by an international team including members of the University of Geneva, The NCCR PlanetS and the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), highlights the complex dynamics within the Neptunian Desert, a region with a scarcity of hot Neptunes, and the Neptunian Savanna, where these planets are more commonly found.
Environment - Astronomy / Space - 10.09.2024

The SLF is researching permafrost and snow in Bhutan at an altitude of over 5000 meters and, together with the local population, is developing measures to reduce climate-related risks in the mountains. The Swiss National Science Foundation is funding the Cryo-Spirit project. This text was automatically translated.
Astronomy / Space - 10.09.2024

An AI-powered tool developed at EPFL can distinguish dark matter's elusive effects from other cosmic phenomena, which could bring us closer to unlocking the secrets of dark matter. Image: Still image from simulation of the formation of dark matter structures from the early universe to today. Gravity makes dark matter clump into dense halos, indicated by bright patches, where galaxies form.
Astronomy / Space - Environment - 05.09.2024

An international team, including the University of Geneva, has discovered that iron winds are blowing on the day side of the planet WASP-76 b. An international team of astronomers, including scientists from the University of Geneva and the PlanetS National Centre of Competence in Research, has identified the presence of iron winds in the atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76 b. This planet with its extreme conditions - over 2
Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 20.08.2024

Most of a planet's water is generally not on its surface but hidden deep in its interior. This affects the potential habitability of distant worlds, as shown by model calculations of researchers at ETH Zurich and Princeton University. We know that the Earth has an iron core surrounded by a mantle of silicate bedrock and water (oceans) on its surface.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 19.08.2024

Previously thought to be negligible, the Sun-s magnetic activity is influencing the determination of its seismic age, as shown by a study published by an international team led by a researcher from the University of Geneva. An international team of astronomers, led by a researcher from the University of Geneva , has shown that the Sun-s magnetic activity has a significant influence on its seismic characterisation, contrary to predictions in the literature.
Astronomy / Space - 05.08.2024

An international team of astrophysicists with participation of the University of Zurich proposes a novel method to detect pairs of the biggest black holes found at the centers of galaxies by analyzing gravitational waves generated by binaries of nearby small stellar black holes. The origin of supermassive black holes found at the centers of galaxies, is still one of the biggest mysteries in astronomy.
Physics - Astronomy / Space - 01.08.2024

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI and the Australian National University have re-determined the half-life of samarium-146 with great precision. The result fits perfectly with the data astrophysicists and geochemists have obtained from extraterrestrial samples. The study appears today in the journal Nature Scientific Reports.
Astronomy / Space - Chemistry - 30.07.2024

An international team of researchers led by the University of Bern has used observation-based computer modelling to find an explanation for how macromolecules can form in a short time in disks of gas and dust around young stars. These findings could be crucial for understanding how habitability develops around different types of exoplanets and stars.
Physics - Astronomy / Space - 16.07.2024

A team including researchers from the Laboratory for High Energy Physics at the University of Bern has successfully measured the interaction rates of neutrinos at unprecedented energies using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. A better understanding of these elusive elementary particles can help answer the question of why there is more matter than antimatter in the universe.