Results 141 - 160 of 254.
Chemistry - Innovation - 16.09.2019
Measuring ethanol’s deadly twin
ETH researchers have developed an inexpensive, handheld measuring device that can distinguish between methanol and potable alcohol. It offers a simple, quick method of detecting adulterated or contaminated alcoholic beverages and is able to diagnose methanol poisoning in exhaled breath. Methanol is sometimes referred to as ethanol's deadly twin.
Environment - Innovation - 09.09.2019
Interest rates are a decisive factor for competitive renewables
Renewable energy has become competitive - and one often-overlooked reason is the reduced cost of financing. Researchers from ETH Zurich and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) have modelled different scenarios in order to investigate the impact of rising interest rates on renewable energy.
Innovation - 09.09.2019
Jewelry uses new technology to turn light into words
Local startup Rayform has developed a collection of unique, stylish rings that employ technology developed at EPFL (Switzerland). The surface of each ring is structured so as to create messages out of reflected light. look like normal pieces of jewelry. But shine light on them, and you'll see they are in fact extraordinary.
Environment - Innovation - 23.08.2019
Energising buildings
A solar façade developed at ETH Zurich combines electricity production with intelligent shading to achieve optimal energy balance. Heating or cooling internal spaces requires energy. More intelligent building façades could save much of that energy. A system developed at ETH Zurich uses movable solar panels to generate electricity while at the same time allowing the right amount of sunshine or shade to suit weather conditions and internal use.
Health - Innovation - 05.08.2019
Using algorithms to track down cancer
Modern medicine is looking for markers that provide early warning of complex diseases. In its quest to discover these 'biomarkers', the ETH spinoff Scailyte has developed software capable of analysing millions of single cells very efficiently. The search for biomarkers is currently one of the biggest challenges of modern medicine.
Microtechnics - Innovation - 12.07.2019
New dual-propeller drone can fly twice as long
EPFL startup Flybotix has developed a novel drone with just two propellers and an advanced stabilization system that allow it to fly for twice as long as conventional models.
Life Sciences - Innovation - 05.07.2019
Important Results For Brain Machine Interfaces
Data from Mental Work project, conducted as an experimental artwork at EPFL's Artlab, indicates that BMI is robust and accessible to the general public, spurring new research collaborations in Switzerland on user experience. Brain-machine interfaces are rarely found outside of medical clinics, where the disabled receive hours or days of training in order to operate wheelchairs with their minds.
Innovation - Environment - 04.07.2019
The future energy system and "Power-to-X"
In a joint research project involving five Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research (SCCERs), scientists from the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Empa, ETH Zurich, the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), the Rapperswil University of Applied Sciences (HSR), the University of Geneva and the University of Lucerne have drawn up a White Paper entitled "Power-to-X" for the Swiss Federal Energy Research Commission (CORE).
Innovation - Administration - 04.07.2019
New approach to energy strategy accounts for uncertainty
EPFL scientists have developed a model that can help policymakers factor in uncertainty when they map out their energy strategies. Today such strategies are based largely on forecasts of fuelprices, technology costs and energy demand. However, these forecasts are often incorrect and can lead to flawed decisions.
Environment - Innovation - 03.07.2019
The energy system of the future and Power-to-X
In a joint research project of five Swiss competence centres for energy research, scientists have prepared a white paper on "Power-to-X" for consideration by the Swiss Federal Energy Research Commission (CORE). The goal of the white paper is to gather together the most important insights available on Power-to-X technologies.
Environment - Innovation - 25.06.2019
Engineering heat out of metro tunnels
Researchers at EPFL have precisely quantified convection heat transfer in rail tunnels. Using the new model, they estimated how much energy Lausanne could save by fitting the future M3 metro line with a geothermal heat-recovery system, in what would be a world first. Heat transfer happens in various ways in rail tunnels.
Environment - Innovation - 13.06.2019
Carbon-neutral fuel made from sunlight and air
Researchers from ETH Zurich have developed a novel technology that produces liquid hydrocarbon fuels exclusively from sunlight and air. For the first time worldwide they demonstrate the entire thermochemical process chain under real field conditions. The new solar mini-refinery is located on the roof of ETH's Machine Laboratory building in Zurich.
Environment - Innovation - 06.06.2019
Four Scientific Institutions will Monitor Switzerland from Space
The Swiss Data Cube (SDC) is an innovative technology that gathers all available satellite images from the American Landsat program and the European Sentinel 1 and 2. UNEP/GRID-Geneva, the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the University of Zurich (UZH) and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) have entered a new cooperation agreement to foster the use of Earth Observation data for environmental monitoring at national scale.
Materials Science - Innovation - 09.05.2019
Design meets research
In the planned project "Re-FREAM" designers develop new and innovative fashion concepts in cooperation with researchers from all over Europe and completely rethink processes, traditions, production methods as well as design and functionality of clothing. Empa is also involved as a research partner. "We live in the most exciting era of mankind", write the initiators of the "Re-FREAM" project on their website.
History / Archeology - Innovation - 23.04.2019
Using X-ray technology to clear up an archeological secret
In an important first, EPFL and Vaud Canton's archeology office used X-ray scanning technology to unlock the mysteries of an extremely rare chainmail shirt dating from Roman times. The results will go on display at the Cantonal Museum of Archeology and History in Lausanne from 26 April to 25 August.
Innovation - Pharmacology - 02.04.2019
Nestlé Health Science set to use anti-aging compound
Amazentis, an EPFL spin-off based in Innovation Park, announced today that it is entering into a strategic partnership with Nestlé Health Science. The startup plans to develop products based on urolithin A, a promising anti-aging compound. The Fountain of Youth is still the stuff of legend, but the anti-aging compound urolithin A is now one step closer to the market.
Innovation - Life Sciences - 14.03.2019
Two EPFL spin-offs reach the finals of an international competition
EPFL spinoffs Lumendo and Gliapharm are among 80 deep-tech startups from around the world that have qualified for the finals of the Hello Tomorrow Challenge in Paris tomorrow. The finalists will pitch their company to a jury of technology specialists and investors. In addition to vying for cash prizes, the startups are gaining valuable visibility.
Materials Science - Innovation - 06.03.2019
A self-healing composite
Researchers from EPFL's Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites have developed a material that can easily heal after being damaged. This cutting-edge composite could be used in aircraft, wind turbines, cars and sports equipment. When a wind turbine blade or an airplane is hit by something, the damaged part has to be either replaced or patched with resin.
Innovation - Environment - 27.02.2019
Building digitally, living digitally
DFAB HOUSE has officially opened today on the NEST building of Empa and Eawag in Dübendorf. It is the world's first inhabited "house" that was not only digitally planned, but also - with the help of robots and 3D printers - built largely digitally. The construction technologies were developed by ETH Zurich researchers in collaboration with industrial partners.
Innovation - 04.02.2019
Bringing technologies from the laboratory to industry
Innovations are the driving force behind the Swiss economy. But how does an idea become an innovation, a real market success' Too many ideas from research laboratories fall by the wayside on their path to industrial implementation. They are caught in the so-called "Valley of Death" of the innovation process.