Results 1 - 17 of 17.
Environment - Architecture - 10.04.2024
What can cities do to promote acceptance of densification?
Swiss cities are more likely to accept densification when densification projects provide affordable housing and green spaces compared to densification that is implemented through reduced regulations for housing construction. By prioritizing a socio-ecological densification, extensive planning procedures and delays might be minimized.
Architecture - Environment - 21.03.2024
Climate-friendly renovations using straw and hemp
Renovating buildings to improve their energy efficiency is a crucial step towards Switzerland achieving its climate targets. researchers can now reveal the most effective renovation strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions: replace fossil-fuel heating systems and harness the potential of bio-based building materials like straw and hemp.
Architecture - 05.07.2023
Sydney Opera House is still revealing its secrets as it turns 50
Paolo Tombesi has rewritten an important part of the history of this gem of Australian architecture.
Architecture - Materials Science - 18.04.2023
Revolution in brick production
Modern brick facades mostly consist of homogeneous bricks. The Keller companies and HSLU researchers have developed a production process for bricks that opens up completely new design possibilities for architects. The joint Innosuisse research project arose from an award-winning thesis in the Master Design at HSLU.
Environment - Architecture - 16.02.2023
EPFL architects rethink the city-river balance within neighborhoods
Architects at EPFL have developed a new, multi-criteria evaluation method to support better decision-making for the redevelopment of brownfield sites in Geneva, Sion and elsewhere along the Rhone.
Environment - Architecture - 05.09.2022
Green city: a few bushes are not enough to refresh
Extreme heat makes life barely bearable, especially in cities. Greenery is supposed to help regulate the temperature. Experts from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts explain how we can go green in terms of urban climate. Planting an avenue here, greening a roof there - Peter Schwehr, Head of the Competence Center for Typology & Planning in Architecture at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, thinks little of it.
Architecture - Environment - 01.09.2022
Why it will be imperative to reduce the size of rental properties
A PhD thesis carried out at EPFL has shown that, based on realistic forecasts, the only way we'll be able to shrink the environmental footprint of residential dwelling by 2050 in Switzerland is through a joint effort between housing owners and tenants. The thesis research, performed by civil engineering student Margarita Agriantoni, is based on computer simulations of different housing development scenarios over the next 30 years (from 2020 to 2050).
Architecture - History / Archeology - 22.06.2022
Renovating 19th-century buildings without losing their character
Researcher and architect Catarina Wall Gago has published a guide to renovation best practices, drawing on a study of historic housing in Lisbon, Oporto and Geneva.
Architecture - History / Archeology - 07.01.2022
Magnificent complexity of the Alhambra
Scientists have studied the unique features of the decorative vaulting known as muqarnas in Spain's Alhambra palace and fortress complex. Muqarnas are commonly found in Islamic architecture, yet they are poorly understood by the architectural community and the little data that exist on them have been simplified over time.
Materials Science - Architecture - 06.10.2021
Light construction, efficient operation
Boasting an intricate, doubly curved concrete roof, lightweight funicular floors, and self-learning building technology, the latest addition to Empa and Eawag's NEST research building in Duebendorf, Switzerland officially opened today. The innovative unit illustrates nearly a decade of formative ETH Zurich research in architecture and sustainable technologies.
Environment - Architecture - 18.05.2021
Rising energy demand for cooling
Climate-related temperature rises will further increase the cooling demand of buildings. A projection by researchers based on data from the NEST building and future climate scenarios for Switzerland shows that this increase in energy demand for cooling is likely to be substantial and could have a strong impact on our future - electrified - energy system.
Architecture - 20.05.2020
How organic architecture can shape dense, diverse cityscapes
In a new book, researchers from EPFL examine the history of organic architecture, complete with telling examples of the genre, from its emergence in the early 20th century to the present day.
Architecture - Health - 04.05.2020
Epidiemology and urban planning: the views of Sascha Roesler on the NZZ
What is the relationship between epidiemology and urban planning? Sascha Roesler, assistant professor at the USI Academy of Achitecture (Institute for the History and Theory of Art and Architecture, ISA), explores the subject in a recently published article in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and with a short video, showing how these two concepts have a common history and future.
Materials Science - Architecture - 15.01.2018
Insulating with microscopic bubbles
Architecture - Environment - 03.06.2017
A self-sufficient home with solar panels installed only on its facade
EPFL, in association with the School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg, the Geneva School of Art and Design and the University of Fribourg, is taking part in the 2017 international Solar Decathlon competition.
Architecture - Environment - 05.11.2012
The historical value of pre-fabricated buildings
Is post-war industrial and pre-fab architecture worth preserving and renovating? To answer this question, architects conducted a three-year pioneering study into the restoration of modern buildings.
Materials Science - Architecture - 08.06.2012
A solar sandwich to power future buildings
All in one: A new electricity generating building component is being developed.