From 2 to 6 December, Lugano explores the potential of AI

The 2024 AI Week will take place from 2 to 6 December at Asilo Ciani in Lugano: five days dedicated to discovering the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields through themed rooms and interactive activities. Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) will actively participate in the event, with many professors and staff involved in the workshops.

During five days, each focused on a specific theme, various experts will discuss the opportunities and dilemmas posed by AI. The first day’s theme will be "Creativity Without Boundaries." Through interactive installations and discussions with experts, attendees will experience how AI is transforming the art world. The second day will centre on "Education and the Future of Democracy." The discussion will focus on the role of AI in education and information. Interactive workshops on utilising AI will also be provided for both students and teachers. The third day will focus on the theme "Society and Media." It will feature practical workshops on business optimisation and the creation of high-quality podcasts. Additionally, there will be panels and debates discussing the risks and potential of AI in this field. On the fourth day, the focus will be on "Business and Innovation." Discussions will centre on how AI is revolutionising the business world, emphasising areas such as innovation, cybersecurity, and market strategies. There will be interactive panels and case studies featuring the experiences of successful companies that are utilising AI. On the final day, participants will have the opportunity to take guided tours of the Swiss Centre for Scientific Computing (CSCS), where they can explore the supercomputers powering advanced research projects, ranging from artificial intelligence to scientific simulation. You can register using this link.

Among the many experts who will be taking part in the event are USI professors and collaborators: Daniele Finzi Pasca (Lecturer at the Academy of Architecture), Prof. Luca Gambardella (Full professor at the Faculty of Informatics), Anna Picco-Schwendener (Researcher at the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society), Suzanna Marazza (eLab staff), Prof. Monica Landoni (Full professor at the Faculty of Informatics), Francesca Mangili (Researcher at the Faculty of Informatics) and Prof. Colin Porlezza (Assistant professor at the Faculty of Informatics), Dr Monica Landoni (Adjunct professor at the Faculty of Informatics), Francesca Mangili (Researcher at the Faculty of Informatics) and Prof. Colin Porlezza (Assistant professor at the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society).

AI Week Lugano is designed for a diverse audience, including professionals and business leaders eager to learn how AI can enhance their operations. It caters to educators and researchers interested in exploring new teaching methods and innovative research projects. Additionally, creators and artists can discover how AI is transforming the artistic and cultural landscape, while everyday technology enthusiasts can delve into the potential and challenges associated with AI.

Admission to the event is free of charge. To participate in some events, however, it is necessary to register in advance. More information and the complete programme are available on the AI Week Lugano website.