Further development of the Master’s program in Applied Psychology at the FHNW

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Students MSc Applied Psychology (Image: FHNW)
Students MSc Applied Psychology (Image: FHNW)

In fall 2024, the Master of Science (MSc) in Applied Psychology will start with attractive innovations - just in time for the 15th anniversary of the successful degree program. These innovations enable students to sharpen their personal profile for the job market even more clearly and to design the course of study more individually. Graduates of the Master’s program at the School of Applied Psychology FHNW are highly sought-after professionals in the field.

Students in the MSc Applied Psychology now choose from a wide range of specialization options in work, organizational, and business psychology, instead of from two fields of study as was previously the case. This allows them to pursue their own interests and to form and sharpen their personal profile - a clear advantage when entering the job market. Students can choose from various specializations such as "Personnel Recruitment and Development", "Cooperation and Leadership" or "Human-Environment Relationship" (see Specializations). Individual specialization takes place within the framework of professional practice, research workshop and master’s thesis - in close cooperation with partners from practice and research.

Proven and new elements are combined

The further developments are based on feedback from practice and the student body, as Matthias Briner, Head of Education at the School of Applied Psychology FHNW, explains: "Our aim was to retain proven elements and at the same time introduce innovative improvements." For example, the degree program can be completed either full-time (in 2 years) or flex-time (in 2.5 to 4 years), with flex-time studies offering more options for organizing studies while taking into account professional or private commitments. The limited number of study places ensures an exclusive framework and promotes an intensive exchange with fellow students and teachers.

Professionals in demand

Graduates of the MSc Applied Psychology are in great demand on the job market. The majority of them find employment directly after graduation in the diverse professional fields of work, organizational and business psychology and can use the psychological skills they have acquired. "Employers particularly appreciate the graduates’ high practical orientation and their ability to focus on people," says Matthias Briner. "This distinguishes the MSc Applied Psychology from comparable degree programs."

On the pulse of the future

The School of Applied Psychology FHNW has been successfully offering the MSc Applied Psychology for almost 15 years. In 2009, the first implementation started in the field of study Industrial, Organizational and Personnel Psychology. In 2019, the field of study Business Psychology was added. In September 2023, 70 students began their master’s studies in applied psychology. In order to keep its finger on the pulse of the future, the program is continuously being developed and adapted to the needs of business and society.

Specialized deepenings

The following subject specializations are now available for selection in the MSc Applied Psychology: Safety and Reliability, Collaboration and Leadership, Recruitment and Development, Mental and Organizational Health, Digital Transformation, Market and Consumption, Human-Environment Relationship.

Source: School of Applied Psychology FHNW