A project of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB), affiliated with Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), has received funding from the Research Equipment (R’Equip) programme of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The project is "Expanding our immunological detection power with FACSDiscover S8 sorter" by Dr Caroline Junqueira, Group Leader at IRB.
The R’Equip programme is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF ) and is aimed at researchers based in Switzerland who need innovative and high-quality equipment for their research work. The SNSF provides grants for the purchase and development of large-scale equipment in all’areas of science. The call for applications in May 2024 was the final one for this funding programme, which will not be offered again in the future.
The project " Expanding our immunological detection power with FACSDiscover S8 sorter" is led by Dr Caroline Junqueira. It involves the collaboration of Dr. Greta Guarda, Silvia Monticelli, Arianna Calcinotto, and Giandomenica Iezzi. It will take place in 2025 and falls within the field of immunophenotypic analysis. This instrument combines several functionalities, offering multiple research possibilities to better characterise the cells under investigation. This device will make it possible to strengthen the nucleus of flow cytometry present in the south of Switzerland at the Institutes of Science in Bellinzona (Bios+), which houses 27 research groups and 250 researchers from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB), the Institute of Oncology Research (IOR), as well as the Translational Research Laboratories of Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (LRT-EOC). Its acquisition will allow our region to explore new areas of study and maintain a leading position in immunological and oncological research, enabling the recruitment of new researchers.
A project of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine funded by the Research Equipment programme
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