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1 position of ASSISTANT (tenure track), ASSOCIATE or FULL PROFESSOR at the School of Mathematics in the field of Mathematical Physics understood in a broad sense

Data di chiusura
Posto di lavoroGenève, Regione del Lago di Ginevra, Svizzera
Job StartSeptember 1, 2025 or upon mutual agreement

The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Geneva, Switzerland, has an opening for

1 position of ASSISTANT (tenure track), ASSOCIATE or FULL PROFESSOR
at the
School of Mathematics
in the field of Mathematical Physics understood in a broad sense

The School of Mathematics of the University of Geneva and the National Center for Competence in Research (NCCR) SwissMAP are inviting applications for a position of Assistant (tenure track), Associate or Full Professor (PAST-PAS-PO) in the area of Mathematical Physics understood in a broad sense, with a preference for geometry-related subjects. Excellent candidates in other areas of mathematical research of the NCCR SwissMAP will also be considered.


The advertised position is full-time, tenured for Associate and Full Professor, and tenure track for Assistant Professor. It assumes teaching at the Bachelor, Master and post-graduate level, supervising Master and PhD theses, developing research at the highest international level, securing external funding and taking up administrative and organizational duties in the School.

A successful candidate should be able to develop a broad and independent line of research in topics of interest of the School of Mathematics and of the NCCR SwissMAP. She/He is expected to contribute to the excellent international scientific reputation of the University of Geneva.


PhD in sciences or equivalent diploma.
Publications in top international Mathematics journals.

Contatto e indirizzo

The application must include: a cover letter, a detailed CV together with a list of publications, a copy of the diploma of the PhD degree, research statement, list of referees who may be contacted directly by the search committee. Recommendation letters are not requested at this stage.

The application may be submitted exclusively on-line at the address before September 30 th , 2024 (0:00 Geneva time). NO APPLICATION SENT BY EMAIL WILL BE ACCEPTED.

The University encourages applications from female candidates.

You can read this announcement at the following address:


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