Ricerca di lavoro - Il tuo futuro lavoro nel campo della scienza, della ricerca o dell'ingegneria.
Lavori selezionati
Scienze sociali - 11.10
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (80%) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Muttenz
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (80%) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Muttenz
Ambiente - 11.10
Cheffe / Chef de la section eaux de surface et déchets (80-100%) Chefin / Chef der Sektion Oberflächengewässer und Abfälle (80-100%) Etat du Valais - Service de l’environnement, Sion
Cheffe / Chef de la section eaux de surface et déchets (80-100%) Chefin / Chef der Sektion Oberflächengewässer und Abfälle (80-100%) Etat du Valais - Service de l’environnement, Sion
Ambiente - 11.10
Chef/fe de la section nuisances et laboratoire (80-100%) Chef/in der Sektion Umweltbelastung und Labor (80-100%) Etat du Valais - Service de l’environnement, Sion
Chef/fe de la section nuisances et laboratoire (80-100%) Chef/in der Sektion Umweltbelastung und Labor (80-100%) Etat du Valais - Service de l’environnement, Sion
Agronomia - 10.10
PostDoc ’Dairy Housing Emissions when Combined with Grazing’ Agroscope, Ettenhausen
PostDoc ’Dairy Housing Emissions when Combined with Grazing’ Agroscope, Ettenhausen
Scienza dei materiali - 09.10
Faculty Position in Surface and lnterface Science & Tribology EPFL, Lausanne
Faculty Position in Surface and lnterface Science & Tribology EPFL, Lausanne
Pedagogia - 04.10
Associate Professor in Educational Science University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI
Associate Professor in Educational Science University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI
Pedagogia - 04.10
Associate Professor in Cognitive Psychology and Inclusive Education University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI
Associate Professor in Cognitive Psychology and Inclusive Education University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI
Educazione - 03.10
Dozentin / Dozent mit Leitungsfunktion in der Weiterbildung 50 -80% Hochschule Luzern - Wirtschaft
Dozentin / Dozent mit Leitungsfunktion in der Weiterbildung 50 -80% Hochschule Luzern - Wirtschaft
Salute - 02.10
Associate Professor or Assistant Professor with Tenure Track in the Field of Genetics / Epigenetics of Language Development Università di Ginevra
Associate Professor or Assistant Professor with Tenure Track in the Field of Genetics / Epigenetics of Language Development Università di Ginevra
Agronomia - 27.09
Technical / scientific Staff - Food and Food Waste LCA Agroscope, Zürich (Expected medium-term place of work: 1725 Posieux)
Technical / scientific Staff - Food and Food Waste LCA Agroscope, Zürich (Expected medium-term place of work: 1725 Posieux)
- Agronomia / scienza dell'alimentazione
- Ambiente
- Amministrazione
- Architettura
- Arte e design
- Astronomy / Space
- Chimica
- Economia
- Educazione
- Elettroingegneria
- Farmacologia
- Filosofia
- Fisica
- Gestione della ricerca
- Informatica
- Ingegneria civile
- Ingegneria meccanica
- Innovazione
- Interdisciplinare / tutte le categorie