A team of students from the Master in Finance at HEC Lausanne won the very prestigious Swiss CFA Institute Research Challenge 2017 on 22 February this year in Zurich. It is the fifth victory in six years for HEC Lausanne, a performance which is a badge of honour for the Master in Finance programme.
What is the CFA Institute Research Challenge?
The CFA Institute Research Challenge is a global financial analysis competition organised by the CFA Institute to promote the emergence of new talent. Interest in the event grows year on year. The competition at the Swiss level took place this year for the twelfth time, bringing together students from the universities of St. Gall, Fribourg, Zurich, Lugano, Neuchâtel, Lausanne and Lichtenstein. Altogether, there were 31 teams in attendance, i.e. more than 140 students from the seven participating universities.
In line for the international final!
The winning team is supervised by Professor Norman Schürhoff. Its members are Natalia Grudina, Jonathan Pavillard, Mark Temnikov, Sam Wagner and Jeroen Zandbergen. They not only gave the best presentation, but also submitted the best written research report and were the best team. This victory is rewarded with a prize of 3,000 Swiss francs and an invitation to dinner with the CFO/CIO of Credit Suisse. It also ensures a place in the EMEA final in Dublin from 4 to 5 April this year. We congratulate them and wish them every success!
HEC Lausanne team wins Swiss CFA Institute Research Challenge - News