Bern, 24.04.2017 - ‘Inspiring partnerships’ is the theme of the swissnex Network’s Annual Report, which was published on 24 april 2017 on the website This online report provides diverse insights into the activities of the five swissnex locations and their outposts, as well of the twenty Science and Technology Counselors (STCs) and Offices (STOs) based in the Swiss embassies worldwide. Their common objective is to support the international outreach of Swiss institutions and actors in the education, research and innovation domain.
In the past year, over 300 events were held and over 110 Swiss partner were engaged. As a case in point, thanks to a partnership of the swissnex Network with swissuniversities, the Rector’s Conference of Swiss Higher Education Institutions, researchers of the Universities of Applied Sciences gained inspiring insights into the future of ageing in Asian countries and in social innovation projects in Brazil.
The Science and Technology Office of the Swiss Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, offered with the organisation of the third Swiss-Korean Life Sciences Symposium a platform for networking and exploring new collaborations. With the opening of the new location at Pier 17, swissnex San Francisco took the motto ‘connecting the dots’ to a new level: Being under one roof with the Consulate General and other Swiss organisations, this new location offers an open and collaborative office space for academics, diplomats, innovators and creatives.
swissnex is the Swiss global network connecting the dots in education, research, and innovation. Its mission is to support the outreach and active engagement of its partners in the international exchange of knowledge, ideas and talent. The five swissnex locations and their outposts are established in the world’s most innovative hubs. Together with around twenty Science and Technology Offices (STO) and Counselors (STC) based in Swiss Embassies, they contribute to strengthen Switzerland’s profile as a world-leading innovation hotspot. The swissnex Network is an initiative of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation and is part of the Swiss Confederation’s network abroad managed by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. The activities of the swissnex Network are based on a collaborative approach, relying on public and private partnerships and funding.
Inspiring partnerships - the swissnex Network Annual Report 2016 is now available