The Lausanne Genomics Days 2020 will be held on February 10th-11th, 2020, Génopode, Auditorium C, UNIL-Sorge.
Lausanne Genomics Days 2020 is an annual event sponsored by the University of Lausanne and the Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale (CUSO).
This 2-day event will bring to Lausanne internationally renowned investigators to present and discuss the newest developments in genomics and genomic technologies and their impact on biological research. The format of the event has been updated in 2020, introducing presentations from UNIL laboratories , the objective being to share, stimulate the usage of, and promote the development of cutting edge genomics methods for the benefit of the whole UNIL community.
The 2020 edition of the Lausanne Genomics Days will be held Monday and Tuesday February 10 and 11 in the Genopode Building of the University of Lausanne
Lausanne Genomics Days 2020
February 10 & 11, 2020
University of Lausanne
Genopode Building, Auditorium C
Monday February 10, 2020
09:30-10:00 Welcome and coffee in the Génopode hall
10:00-11:45 Translation regulation
Chair: Prof. Sven Bergmann - UNIL: Department of Computational Biology
Keynote presentation
10:00 Prof. Tamir Tuller - Tel Aviv University, Israel
Computational deciphering and modelling of novel gene expression rules encoded in the mRNA
10:45 Dr. Anneke Brümmer (Prof. Sven Bergmann group) - UNIL: Department of Computational Biology
LincRNA sequences are biased to counteract their translation
11:00 Dr. Cédric Gobet (Prof. Felix Naef group) - EPFL
Modeling ribosome dwell times and relationships with aminoacyl-tRNAs in mouse liver
11:25 Prof. David Gatfield - UNIL: Center for Integrative Genomics
Transcriptome-wide sites of collided ribosomes reveal sequence determinants of translational pausing
11:45-13:00 Lunch in the Génopode hall
13:00-14:45 RNA processing
Chair: Dr. Julien Marquis - UNIL: Genomics Facility
Keynote presentation
13:00 Prof. Stefan Ameres - Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Austria
SLAMseq - Dissecting gene regulatory mechanisms by time-resolved RNA sequencing
13:45 Dr. Flora Brozzi (Prof. Romano Regazzi group) - Department of Fundamental Neurosciences (DNF)
RNA-tagging to unveil beta-cell/immune cell crosstalk in diabetes pathogenesis
14:05 Dr. Rodrigo Siqueira Reis (Prof. Yves Poirier group) - UNIL: Department of Plant Molecular Biology
Complex mRNA-antisense lncRNA interaction revealed by SHAPE-MaP
14:25 Lina Worpenberg (Prof. Jean Yves Roignant group) - UNIL: Center for Integrative Genomics
Shaping the nervous system by m6A mRNA modification
14:45-15:15 Coffee break in the Génopode hall
15:15-16:55 Gene editing
Chair: Prof. Julia Santiago Cuellar - UNIL: Department of Plant Molecular Biology
Keynote presentation
15:15 Prof. Martin Jinek - University of Zurich, Switzerland
Molecular mechanisms of genome editors
15:55 Dr. Robertas Ursache (Prof. Niko Geldner group) - UNIL: Department of Plant Molecular Biology
CRISPR and the new age of genetic analysis in Arabidopsis
16:20 Dr. Lotte Spel (Prof. Fabio Martinon group) - UNIL: Department of Biochemistry
A functional genetics approach to dissect inflammasome activation
16:45 Apéro in the Génopode hall
Tuesday February 11, 2020
09:30-10:00 Welcome and coffee in the Génopode hall
10:00-11:45 Microbiome
Chair Prof. Philipp Engel - UNIL: Department of Fundamental microbiology
Keynote presentation
10:00 Prof. Colin Hill - University College Cork, Ireland
A voyage through the gut virome
10:45 Dr. Kirsten Ellegaard (Prof. Philipp Engel group) - UNIL: Department of Fundamental microbiology
Getting quantitative on the Microbiome: vast differences in strain-level diversity among host-associated bacterial communities
11:05 Paddy Gibson (Prof. Jan-Willem Veening group) - UNIL: Department of Fundamental microbiology
Deciphering the origins of amoxicillin resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae through experimental evolution and NGS
11:25 Prof. Guillem Salazar Guiral - ETH: Microbiology
Disentangling the effects of gene expression changes and community turnover in the global ocean
11:45-13:30 Lunch in the Génopode hall
13:30-15:15 Evolution Session
Chair Prof. Tanja Schwander - UNIL: Department of Ecology and Evolution
13:30 Prof. Anne Roulin - UZH: Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
Transposable element evolution in small genomes What can we learn from population genomics in B. distachyon?
13:50 Jelisaveta Djordjevic (Prof. Tanja Schwander group) - UNIL: Department of Ecology and Evolution
Sexual conflict and the ontogeny of sex-biased gene expression in stick insects
14:10 Tom Kay (Prof. Laurent Keller group) - UNIL: Department of Ecology and Evolution
Position in the social network is a central driver of behavior and gene expression in ants
Keynote presentation
14:30 Prof Detlev Arendt - EMBL Heidelberg
Evolution of neurons and of the nervous system
Lausanne Genomics Days 2020