Job Offers - Microtechnics
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Last job offers
- Health - 6.11
Responsable de la filière à 100%HES-SO Genève - Innovation - 6.11
Wissenschaftliche:r Assistent:in in Innovative & Digital Finance und/oder Impact Finance 50% (m/w/d)Universität Liechtenstein - Innovation - 5.11
Faculty Position in Strategy and Technology ManagementEPFL - Electroengineering - 1.11
Professor / Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Intelligent Embedded Systems: Software-Hardware Co-designETH Zürich - Health - 15.10
Postdoc Scientist in Clinical Bioinformatics (80-100 %)Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW - Innovation - 6.11
PhD position in technology and innovation managementUniversity of Fribourg - Health - 6.11
Professor of AnatomyUniversity of Fribourg - Health - 6.11
PhD Candidate in EpidemiologyUniversity of Fribourg - Laboratory - 6.11
Laborantin-e spécialisé-eUniversity of Fribourg - Economics - 6.11
Collaborateur-trice scientifiqueUniversity of Fribourg - Health - 6.11
Program Management AssistantUniversity of Bern - Computer Science - 6.11
Linux System Administrator (BE-CSS-ISA-2024-178-GRAP)CERN