news from the lab 2012



Results 1 - 7 of 7.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 20.11.2012
Analyzing Lake Geneva from the air
Analyzing Lake Geneva from the air
One year after the MIR submersibles dove into the depths of Lake Geneva, the elemo program is delivering its first scientific results. The operation will be extended with a campaign to make observations above the lake surface from a sensor-packed ultralight aircraft. The same experiments are planned above Lake Baikal in Russia.

Architecture - Environment - 05.11.2012
The historical value of pre-fabricated buildings
The historical value of pre-fabricated buildings
Is post-war industrial and pre-fab architecture worth preserving and renovating? To answer this question, architects conducted a three-year pioneering study into the restoration of modern buildings.

Environment - History / Archeology - 08.10.2012
Humans influencing climate since over 2000 years
Humans influencing climate since over 2000 years
New data extracted from Greenland's glaciers show that methane in the atmosphere follows the waxing and waning of civilizations. Humans have been producing substantial amounts of greenhouse gases since long before the industrial revolution 2012. By studying the tiny amounts of gases trapped in air bubbles in Greenland's glaciers, researchers have been able to add details to an emerging picture of historical human induced environmental change that reaches as far back as the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty.

Environment - Life Sciences - 12.09.2012
The effects of droughts on mountain pastures
The effects of droughts on mountain pastures
Researchers simulate an arid climate using greenhouse tunnels to study the effects of increased dryness on forage grown on mountain pastures.

Physics - Environment - 10.09.2012
Nano-velcro clasps heavy metal molecules in its grips
Nano-velcro clasps heavy metal molecules in its grips
Researchers develop nano-strips for inexpensive testing of mercury levels in our lakes and oceans with unprecedented sensitivity Mercury, when dumped in lakes and rivers, accumulates in fish, and often ends up on our plates. A Swiss-American team of researchers led by Francesco Stellacci at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and Bartosz Grzybowski at Northwestern University has devised a simple, inexpensive system based on nanoparticles, a kind of nano-velcro, to detect and trap this toxic pollutant as well as others.

Life Sciences - Environment - 23.04.2012
Where our swallows spend the winter
Where our swallows spend the winter
Since the end of March, there have been more and more of them every day: the return of the swallows is now in full swing.

Environment - Life Sciences - 17.04.2012
Under a warm blanket of snow
Under a warm blanket of snow
Researchers are studying the effects of climate change on the degradation of organic matter in the soil. First results underline the importance of the thermal insulation provided by an intact layer of snow on the dynamics of soil microorganisms. You'd think that during the winter, all life trapped beneath a layer of snow would shut down and wait for warmer days.