news from the lab 2017
Social Sciences
Results 1 - 6 of 6.
Social Sciences - Health - 06.11.2017
Do Violent Communities Foster Violent Kids?
Children and adolescents regularly confronted with violence in their community have a greater tendency to show antisocial behavior. This finding was reported by researchers from the University of Basel and the University Psychiatric Hospital Basel. Their new study examined the link between exposure to community violence and antisocial behavior in over 1000 children and adolescents from seven European countries.
Pedagogy - Social Sciences - 28.08.2017
Expectations for all-day schools are too high
Children in the German-speaking part of Switzerland who utilise extended education offerings in the first two years of primary school generally perform no better in school than other children, an SNSF-funded project has found. Overall, the research shows that all-day schools do not fulfil all the expectations people place in them.
Environment - Social Sciences - 23.08.2017
Using compost to preserve forests in Madagascar
Research by an EPFL PhD student has found a way to boost Madagascar's corn crop yields up to five times while decreasing deforestation at the same time.
Health - Social Sciences - 03.08.2017
Cultural factors account for cost differences at the end of life
In their final year of life, on average men cause more healthcare costs than women. Dying is more expensive in the Frenchand Italian-speaking parts of Switzerland than in the German-speaking part. These are the findings of an analysis of health insurance data that was conducted as part of the National Research Programme "End of life" (NRP 67).
Health - Social Sciences - 29.05.2017
Too Much Stress for the Mother Affects the Baby through Amniotic Fluid
The feeling of constantly being on edge, always having to take care of everything, not being able to find a balance: If an expectant mother is strongly stressed over a longer period of time, the risk of the unborn child developing a mental or physical illness later in life - such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or cardiovascular disease - increases.
Social Sciences - 17.03.2017
European teens - especially girls - dream about cars
A study on mobility patterns among young people shows that under-18s have a very positive image of cars. The researchers' approach relied heavily on social media. What is it about cars? 'They're fast, practical, comfortable and safe.' That's what young people think - and girls more than boys - according to a study by EPFL researchers.