news 2019
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Pedagogy - Social Sciences - 08.10.2019
Modern Family Roles Improve Life Satisfaction for Parents
Increased equality has a positive effect on mothers and fathers. Thanks to greater freedom to strike an individual balance between caring for children and working in paid employment, mothers and fathers today are happier with their lives than parents were 20 or 30 years ago, a study by sociologists at the University of Zurich has shown.
Pedagogy - Psychology - 17.09.2019

A new app allows parents to playfully support their children as they explore their surroundings. They can record important motor, cognitive and linguistic milestones and receive scientifically sound information on each step. The app was developed by psychologists at the University of Zurich, who are researching the individual development of children.
Pedagogy - 09.05.2019
Zweisprachige Kinder zeigen feineres Gespür für Gesprächspartner
Bilingual children adapt to the needs of their communication partners better than monolingual children. According to researchers at the University of Zurich, this is because children growing up bilingually have to manage challenging communication situations more often and deal with the differing communication styles of their parents.