news 2022
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Politics - 15.12.2022
Beneficial arrangements in parliament - How vested interests shape Swiss politics
Directors, trustees, Executive Board members: members of Switzerland's Federal Parliament often have other duties in addition to their political office and occupation. Researchers in political science at the University of Basel have investigated how these alliances affect political developments. The interest group ties of politicians are a popular topic for discussion.
Social Sciences - Politics - 13.12.2022
Women’s suffrage: better level of education, fewer weddings
The introduction of the general right to vote for women in Switzerland contributed significantly to their emancipation. Researchers at the University of Basel have now retrospectively statistically evaluated and quantified the effects on employment, education and the family model. The anonymous petition by women in Zurich demanding women's suffrage in 1868 as part of the constitutional reform had no chance of success, as did many other initiatives to this end.
Politics - 04.11.2022
Why conflict parties cease fighting
The path to peace usually leads through a ceasefire. In an international project, researchers have shown the conditions under which parties to civil wars are willing to stop fighting - and why they decide to do so. Abstract Between 1989 and 2020, a total of 2202 ceasefires resulted from 109 civil wars in 66 countries.