Family expansion is most common reason for relocation

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(Image: Pixabay CC0)
Around 45 percent of the Swiss population is considering moving. More than half of them would like more living space. This is shown by a study conducted by the ZHAW in collaboration with the Federal Office of Housing, the Fédération Romande Immobilière, the Swiss Homeowners Association and Raiffeisen Switzerland.

Thursday, October 5, 2023 According to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, one in ten people in Switzerland moves every year. And 45 percent of the Swiss population is currently considering a move, shows the representative study "A home for life? Findings on the relocation behavior of the Swiss population". For the study, a total of 1094 people in German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland were asked about their relocation behavior in spring 2023. "There are various reasons for the high propensity to move," says co-project leader Selina Lehner of the ZHAW School of Management and Law. "One central motive is simple and conclusive: More living space."

Family planning is reason for increased search

53 percent of those willing to move want to increase their living space. Frequently, starting or expanding a family is the most important trigger for a move. "Around half of 18- to 29-year-olds with a desire to have children or with children are moving because of this," explains the ZHAW researcher. The desire to own a home also plays a central role. Currently, 75 percent of those willing to move live in a rented property. After a move, only 48 percent would like to be tenants. The purchase of a single-family home is of particular importance here.

The departure of children and retirement are also cited as triggers for moving. Nevertheless, the willingness to move decreases with increasing age. It turns out that only 17 percent of the surveyed owners who are willing to move dare to take the step from home ownership to renting. One possible explanation offered by the project manager: "People who own their own home want to keep it. The majority of respondents find it difficult to part with what they already have, even though they recognize that their housing needs have changed," says Selina Lehner.

More than half do not want to move

55 percent of respondents in German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland have no desire to move and would like to stay in their current home. In particular, the spatial and social environment keeps respondents in their apartment or house: 88 percent like their current location and 73 percent would not want to move because of their good relationship with the neighborhood. In addition, the respondents already show a high level of satisfaction - a move is often not even considered here.

Little pressure exists

There is little pressure to move among both those who are willing and those who are not. The majority of those willing to move take more than two years to find a suitable home. "Moving in Switzerland is a well-considered event," says lecturer and co-project leader Holger Hohgardt of the Institute of Wealth and Asset Management at ZHAW. "In general, housing satisfaction is high among the Swiss population. People in Switzerland move on average 5 to 6 times in their lifetime and want a long-term home."