news 2024



Results 1 - 6 of 6.

Career - Pedagogy - 07.11.2024
The more female classmates at school, the higher a woman's pay later on
The more female classmates at school, the higher a woman’s pay later on
Women earn more if they mostly went to school with other girls as children, report researchers at the University of Basel and Durham University. Their findings are based on data from 750,000 schoolchildren. Men and women should earn the same amount of money. But they do not; women tend to have different professions than men and also earn less.

Pedagogy - Innovation - 17.09.2024
Students seem to prefer teacher feedback over AI feedback
A new EPFL paper has found that students are cautious towards AI feedback, highlighting the complexity of integrating it into educational feedback systems. Feedback plays a crucial role in learning, helping individuals to understand and improve their performance, yet globally large and diverse student populations often mean that providing timely and personalized observations can be a challenge.

Mathematics - Pedagogy - 30.08.2024
False memories revealing mathematical reasoning
False memories revealing mathematical reasoning
The way we memorise information - a mathematical problem statement, for example - reveals the way we process it. A team from the University of Geneva , in collaboration with CY Cergy Paris University (CYU) and Bourgogne University (uB), has shown how different solving methods can alter the way information is memorised and even create false memories.

Pedagogy - Innovation - 26.08.2024
How smart toys spy on kids: what parents need to know
How smart toys spy on kids: what parents need to know
Toniebox, Tiptoi, and Tamagotchi are smart toys, offering interactive play through software and internet access. However, many of these toys raise privacy concerns, and some even collect extensive behavioral data about children, report researchers at the University of Basel. The Toniebox and the figurines it comes with are especially popular with small children.

Mathematics - Pedagogy - 07.03.2024
Drawings of mathematical problems predict their resolution
Drawings of mathematical problems predict their resolution
Scientists show that our mental representations of mathematical problems influence our strategies for solving them. Solving arithmetic problems, even simple subtractions, involves mental representations whose influence remains to be clarified. Visualizing these representations would enable us to better understand our reasoning and adapt our teaching methods.

Health - Pedagogy - 26.02.2024
Anything-in-anything-out: a new modular AI model
Researchers at EPFL have developed a new, uniquely modular machine learning model for flexible decision-making. It is able to input any mode of text, video, image, sound, and time-series and then output any number, or combination, of predictions. We've all'heard of Large Language Models, or LLMs - massive scale deep learning models trained on huge amounts of text that form the basis for chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPT.