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Physics - 27.01.2025
Compact comb lights the way for next-gen photonics
Compact comb lights the way for next-gen photonics
Researchers have created a new ultra-broadband electro-optic comb that packs 450 nm of light precision into a chip smaller than a coin, paving the way for smarter, more efficient photonic devices. In the world of modern optics, frequency combs are invaluable tools. These devices act as rulers for measuring light, enabling breakthroughs in telecommunications, environmental monitoring, and even astrophysics.

Physics - 23.01.2025
Fox and rabbit in the quantum world
Fox and rabbit in the quantum world
Sexual harassment: "A disciplinary measure under personnel law won't make everything right again" Innovation in Basel-Land: Opening of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Basel University of Basel and ETH Zurich combine cutting-edge research for children and adolescents worldwide New Biozentrum building: handover to the University of Basel planned for the fourth quarter of 2020 University of Basel and QuantumBasel join

Life Sciences - Physics - 15.01.2025
How cryogenic microscopy could help strengthen food security
How cryogenic microscopy could help strengthen food security
A joint EPFL and University of Lausanne research team reports on a novel observation of a plant protection mechanism in response to salt stress. The study opens new avenues of research to strengthen food security. According to the United Nations, soil salinization affects between 20% and 40% of arable land globally, with human activity and climate change - especially rising sea levels - largely responsible for this process.

Physics - Innovation - 06.01.2025
Macroscopic oscillators move as one at the quantum level
Macroscopic oscillators move as one at the quantum level
Scientists have successfully achieved a quantum collective behavior of macroscopic mechanical oscillators, unlocking new possibilities in quantum technology. Quantum technologies are radically transforming our understanding of the universe. One emerging technology are macroscopic mechanical oscillators, devices that are vital in quartz watches, mobile phones, and lasers used in telecommunications.

Materials Science - Physics - 06.01.2025
New protective coating can improve battery performance
As a journalist, do you have general questions about PSI? Are you looking for an expert on your topic?  Get in touch with our Increasing the energy density of lithium-ion batteries - a sustainable method for cathode surface coating developed at PSI makes it possible. iLab and Synfuels at the Energy Days! at the Swiss Museum of Transport October 18, 19, and 20, 2024 The iLab from the Paul Scherrer Institute will be part of the Energy Days with exciting workshops.

Environment - Physics - 05.12.2024
World Soil Day: earthworms for the climate
World Soil Day: earthworms for the climate
Earthworms are the "master builders" of the soil. They make nutrients available and sequester the greenhouse gas CO2 in the form of leaves in deep soil layers. A Swiss-German research team is investigating their work in Rendzina soils, the Swiss soil of the year 2025, which was chosen by the Swiss Soil Science Society on Soil Day, December 5.

Physics - Materials Science - 03.12.2024
A keener eye for the invisible
A keener eye for the invisible
From smart textiles to self-driving cars: researchers are developing new types of detectors for infrared radiation that are more sustainable, flexible and cost-effective than conventional technologies. The key to success is not (only) the composition of the material, but also its size. The ubiquity of infrared detectors What do motion detectors, self-driving cars, chemical analyzers and satellites have in common' They all contain detectors for infrared (IR) light.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 11.11.2024
Einstein's equations collide with the mysteries of the Universe
Einstein’s equations collide with the mysteries of the Universe
A French-Swiss team tests the famous physicist's predictions by calculating the distortion of time and space. Gravitational lensing of distant galaxies by the galaxy cluster Abell 2390, observed by the Euclid satellite . ESA/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA, image processing by J.-C. Cuillandre (CEA Paris-Saclay), G. Anselmi Why is the expansion of our Universe accelerating' Twenty-five years after its discovery, this phenomenon remains one of the greatest scientific mysteries.

Physics - Transport - 07.11.2024
Researchers are making jet engines fit for the hydrogen age
Researchers are making jet engines fit for the hydrogen age
Hydrogen-powered planes are set to take wing around the world in the future. To make this possible, engineers have to develop the jet engines that will power them. Experiments by researchers at ETH Zurich are now providing the necessary basis for making these engines powerful and durable. Europe is preparing for climate-neutral flight powered by sustainably produced hydrogen.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 04.11.2024
ESA comes to Switzerland
As a journalist, do you have general questions about PSI? Are you looking for an expert on your topic?  Get in touch with our The signing of a contract between the European Space Agency ESA and PSI marks the start of the European Space Deep-Tech Innovation Centre ESDI. "Magic" element challenges current model of nucleosynthesis Surprising measurements lead to the discovery of an unknown process.

Physics - Materials Science - 31.10.2024
Fundamental quantum model recreated from nanographenes
Fundamental quantum model recreated from nanographenes
Quantum technologies exploit the unusual properties of the most fundamental building blocks of matter. They promise breakthroughs in communication, computing, sensors and much more. However, quantum states are fragile, and their effects are difficult to grasp, making research into real-world applications challenging.

Physics - Chemistry - 25.10.2024
A new spectroscopy reveals water's quantum secrets
A new spectroscopy reveals water's quantum secrets
For the first time, researchers have exclusively observed molecules participating in hydrogen bonds in liquid water, measuring electronic and nuclear quantum effects that were previously accessible only via theoretical simulations. Water is synonymous with life, but the dynamic, multifaceted interaction that brings H2O molecules together - the hydrogen bond - remains mysterious.

Physics - Computer Science - 18.10.2024
New benchmark helps solve the hardest quantum problems
New benchmark helps solve the hardest quantum problems
Predicting the behavior of many interacting quantum particles is a complicated process but is key to harness quantum computing for real-world applications. A collaboration of researchers led by EPFL has developed a method for comparing quantum algorithms and identifying which quantum problems are the hardest to solve.

Physics - 11.10.2024
Record-breaking laser pulses
Record-breaking laser pulses
Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a laser that produces the strongest ultra-short laser pulses to date. In the future, such high power pulses could be used for precision measurements or materials processing. The word laser usually conjures up an image of a strongly concentrated and continuous light beam.

Physics - 25.09.2024
NA62 experiment at CERN observes ultra-rare particle decay
Geneva, 25 September 2024. At a seminar held at CERN this week, the NA62 collaboration reported the unequivocal confirmation of the ultra-rare decay of a positively charged kaon into a positively charged pion and a neutrino-antineutrino pair. Experiments including NA62 have previously measured and seen evidence of this process, but this is the first time it has been measured with a statistical significance of five standard deviations , crossing the threshold traditionally required to claim a discovery in particle physics.

Physics - 17.09.2024
CMS experiment at CERN weighs in on the W boson mass
The experiment at CERN is the latest to weigh in on the mass of the W boson - an elementary particle that, along with the Z boson , mediates the weak force, which is responsible for a form of radioactivity and initiates the nuclear fusion reaction that powers the Sun. At a seminar held at CERN today, the CMS collaboration reported how it has analysed proton-proton collision data from the second run of the Large Hadron Collider , the Laboratory's flagship particle accelerator, to make its first mass measurement of this fundamental particle.

Physics - Electroengineering - 06.09.2024
One-way street for sound waves
One-way street for sound waves
Researchers at ETH Zurich have managed to make sound waves travel only in one direction. In the future, this method could also be used in technical applications with electromagnetic waves. Be it water, light or sound: waves usually propagate in the same way forwards as in the backward direction. As a consequence, when we are speaking to someone standing some distance away from us, that person can hear us as well as we can hear them.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 19.08.2024
The age of the Sun depends on when you look at it
The age of the Sun depends on when you look at it
Previously thought to be negligible, the Sun-s magnetic activity is influencing the determination of its seismic age, as shown by a study published by an international team led by a researcher from the University of Geneva. An international team of astronomers, led by a researcher from the University of Geneva , has shown that the Sun-s magnetic activity has a significant influence on its seismic characterisation, contrary to predictions in the literature.

Physics - Innovation - 14.08.2024
First observation of neutrinos with prototype at the ultimate neutrino observatory DUNE
First observation of neutrinos with prototype at the ultimate neutrino observatory DUNE
In the USA, the world's most extensive neutrino experiment, DUNE, is being built at Fermilab. The University of Bern is playing a key role in this by developing the "ND-LAr" detector, which features new technology and an innovative design to observe neutrinos. The prototype of the "ND-LAr" has now been successfully tested and has detected its first neutrinos.

Physics - Computer Science - 13.08.2024
Computer chips have the potential to become even smaller
Computer chips have the potential to become even smaller
As a journalist, do you have general questions about PSI? Are you looking for an expert on your topic?  Get in touch with our Recognition at MNE 2024 Micrograph Contest The MNE conference is the flagship event of the International Society for Microand Nanotechnology (iMNEs). The research fields covered by the MNE conferences have consistently driven advancements in the development of smaller and smaller structures.
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