


Results 1 - 17 of 17.

Politics - Media - 17.12.2024
Can AI influence election outcomes?
Artificial intelligence (AI) may be a weapon of mass disinformation, but a recent report has demonstrated that its impact thus far has been limited Voters in nearly 100 countries - including Taiwan, the US and Senegal - went to the polls this year, and AI was often used during the election campaigns.

Media - Linguistics / Literature - 17.05.2024
Orphan articles: the 'dark matter' of Wikipedia
Orphan articles: the ’dark matter’ of Wikipedia
Wikipedia is the largest platform for open and freely accessible knowledge online yet, in a new study, researchers have found that around 15% of the content is effectively invisible to readers browsing within Wikipedia. They have developed a new tool to help overcome this. With 60 million articles in more than 300 language versions, Wikipedia's available content grows continuously at a rate of around 200 thousand new articles each month.

Psychology - Media - 23.01.2023
When mental health moves through social media
When mental health moves through social media
Can a Tweet or a post on Instagram tell us something about our mental health? How meaningful is the relationship between well-being and the use of these platforms? To answer these questions, Marta Fadda, a researcher in bioethics at Università della Svizzera italiana, Oliver Grübner, a health geographer, and Marcus Wolf, a psychologist, at the University of Zurich conducted a series of studies to demonstrate the usefulness of social platforms for mental health research.

Media - Health - 14.12.2022
Majority of Swiss Trust Science, Some Remain Skeptical
Majority of Swiss Trust Science, Some Remain Skeptical
Swiss people's interest and confidence in science increased during the pandemic but has now returned to pre-Covid levels, the 2022 edition of the Science Barometer Switzerland has shown.

Media - 16.05.2022
Youth and information
Nearly one-third of young people in Switzerland have little to no interest in the news. Various studies show that daily world events are of secondary importance to them. They rarely use information sources and thus develop limited literacy in dealing with and processing news, which makes them more susceptible/vulnerable to misinformation.

Computer Science - Media - 10.08.2021
Do we live in online bubbles?
Do we live in online bubbles?
Taking a novel perspective, researchers have studied political polarization in online news consumption rather than content production, looking at whether the backlink structure of online news networks alone, or users' explicit reading choices contribute to the partisan divide. In the past decade it seems political polarization has been on the rise, as measured by voting behavior and general affect towards opposing partisans and their parties.

Media - Politics - 31.03.2021
A physical party to prove you're a real virtual person
A physical party to prove you're a real virtual person
The ease of creating fake virtual identities plays an important role in shaping the way information - and misinformation - circulates online. Could 'pseudonym' parties, that would verify proof of personhood not proof of identity, resolve this tension' Social media platforms have completely changed the way information flows online.

Media - Computer Science - 15.09.2020
Giving computers a voice
Giving computers a voice
From Alexa and Siri to translation programs and computer-generated news, anything seems possible these days.The Media Technology Center is searching for applications that could lend a hand with day-to-day editorial work. Every time you talk to Siri on your phone and ask a question or give a command, you are communicating with artificial intelligence.

Media - Health - 30.03.2020
Four keywords to understand journalism during a pandemic
From newspapers to television, from the internet to social media, we experience an overload of information on the Covid-19 pandemic. Science journalism has become an important source to help individuals understand what is true and what is false. In this video Philip Di Salvo, a post-doc researcher at USI Institute of Media and Journalism, proposes four key words to comprehend what is happening to the media.

Media - 06.11.2019
Science Barometer Switzerland: Trust in Science and Research Remains High
Science Barometer Switzerland: Trust in Science and Research Remains High
The Swiss population's trust in science and research is high to very high. As the Science Barometer Switzerland 2019 study shows, people in Switzerland have a positive attitude towards science and are keen to receive information about research, with climate and energy considered the most important topics.

Media - 23.05.2019
Information and language in news impact prejudice against minorities
Researchers at the Institute of Psychology show how news about immigrants and language describing immigrants shape prejudice against immigrants and other social minorities, as part of the project «Immigrants in the Media». For instance, nouns used for describing the ethnicity of immigrants enhance prejudice against immigrants more than adjectives.

Environment - Media - 14.02.2019
Media and industry not always interested in the same topics
Media and industry not always interested in the same topics
Hardly a day went by in the summer of 2018 without a report on the continuing water scarcity at the time in Switzerland. Again and again, newspapers, radio and television were coming up with questions like: "How much water do nature, agriculture and people need?", "How can we find ways to save water?" and "Which regions have the least water reserves?" On the other hand, Swiss municipal governments, cantons, engineering firms, NGOs and public sector agencies appear to be less concerned with the relationship between water scarcity and water-saving measures.

Environment - Media - 14.02.2019
Media and practitioners not always interested in the same topics
Media and practitioners not always interested in the same topics
Hardly a day went by in the summer of 2018 without a report on the continuing water scarcity at the time in Switzerland. Again and again, newspapers, radio and television were coming up with questions like: "How much water do nature, agriculture and people need?", "How can we find ways to save water?" and "Which regions have the least water reserves?" On the other hand, Swiss municipal governments, cantons, engineering firms, NGOs and public sector agencies appear to be less concerned with the relationship between water scarcity and water-saving measures.

Media - Administration - 08.11.2017
Strong Digital Well-Being in Switzerland
Strong Digital Well-Being in Switzerland
Reading the news, posting holiday pictures, or watching cat videos on YouTube - the internet can be used for many things.

Media - History / Archeology - 27.01.2011
Swiss democracy unexceptional
Swiss democracy unexceptional
Switzerland is not the democracy par excellence as thought, but only a mediocre one and ranks fourteenth when compared with twenty-nine established democracies.

Media - Environment - 29.05.2008
Erklärung für Massenaussterben vor 540 Millionen Jahren
Erklärung für Massenaussterben vor 540 Millionen Jahren
Mit dem Übergangsmetall Molybdän in Sedimentgesteinen ist nachweisbar, warum es vor rund 540 Millionen Jahren auf der Erde zu einem grossen Massenaussterben der ersten Mehrzeller kam.

Media - 12.03.2008
Drahtlose Kommunikation: markant höhere Übertragungsraten
ETHZ Zürich - 12. Drahtlose Netzwerke können theoretisch nur eine begrenzte Menge an Informationen übermitteln.