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Results 251 - 300 of 363.

Politics - 02.10.2024
Award for political science study
A research team of political scientists from various institutions, including the University of Lucerne, has conducted research into polarizing emotions towards political parties and their leading politicians.

Campus - Environment - 01.10.2024
New head of the Institute for Ecopreneurship at the FHNW School of Life Sciences

Life Sciences - 01.10.2024
Uncovering the complex roles of transcription factors in gene regulation
Throughout their lifespan, cells must continuously activate and deactivate genes. This process is regulated by transcription factors, a class of proteins that control gene expression by binding to DNA.

Computer Science - 01.10.2024
"Don’t become complacent about the things you already know."

Innovation - Life Sciences - 30.09.2024
University of Basel spin-off Translation-X receives Venture Kick funding
University of Basel spin-off Translation-X receives Venture Kick funding

Linguistics / Literature - 30.09.2024
Writing Science Clearly
Writing Science Clearly

Health - Psychology - 27.09.2024
New perspectives for early diagnosis of severe psychiatric illnesses
New perspectives for early diagnosis of severe psychiatric illnesses
Prof. Andrea Raballo, Professor at the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) and Director of Research and Academic Training of the Cantonal Sociopsychiatri

Event - 27.09.2024
SightGuide: smart vision assistance at the Cybathlon
SightGuide: smart vision assistance at the Cybathlon

Campus - Economics - 26.09.2024
FHNW School of Business launches cross-border Master’s degree program MSc in Sustainable Business Development

Health - Innovation - 26.09.2024
On the trail of spinal diseases
On the trail of spinal diseases

History / Archeology - Event - 25.09.2024
Lorenzo Gatta receives the Prize for the Promotion of Research in Art History 2024

Innovation - 25.09.2024
AI opportunities and challenges: Ticino is ready to embrace them
AI opportunities and challenges: Ticino is ready to embrace them

Career - Innovation - 25.09.2024
The importance of work increases with age
The thirteenth edition of the Swiss HR Barometer focusses on the topic of 'Sense and nonsense at work'.

Transport - 25.09.2024
STEPLESS aims at reducing noise and fuel consumption of airplane approaches

Agronomy / Food Science - Environment - 24.09.2024
How an ETH alumnus ended up growing coffee in Zambia
How an ETH alumnus ended up growing coffee in Zambia
ETH agronomist Fridolin Stocker worked on Swiss farms before discovering his fascination for Africa.

Pedagogy - 24.09.2024
Embracing failure
Embracing failure
Challenges and setbacks can strengthen students' resilience and are an important aspect of learning.

Sport - Innovation - 24.09.2024
Running without limits: When air creates no resistance
Running without limits: When air creates no resistance
ETH student and top sprinter Géraldine Frey is preparing for her races with an innovative piece of equipment.

Life Sciences - Health - 24.09.2024
From cell partitions to dams: These barriers are being investigated by researchers
From cell partitions to dams: These barriers are being investigated by researchers
Research areas at ETH Zurich span barriers in a wide variety of fields, including cell biology, drug delivery and spatial planning.

Pedagogy - Campus - 24.09.2024
What are the key requirements of an education system that ensures that everybody has the same opportunities?
What are the key requirements of an education system that ensures that everybody has the same opportunities?

Architecture - Pedagogy - 24.09.2024
'The way that our cities, houses and flats are built right now makes us feel dependent.'
’The way that our cities, houses and flats are built right now makes us feel dependent.’

Life Sciences - 24.09.2024
Is there a perfect diet for a long life?
Is there a perfect diet for a long life?

Microtechnics - Innovation - 24.09.2024
How four-legged robots and smart belts help people overcome everyday barriers
How four-legged robots and smart belts help people overcome everyday barriers
In the international Cybathlon competition, people with physical disabilities undertake routine tasks with the aid of assistive technology that can be seamlessly integrated into everyday life.

Music - Computer Science - 24.09.2024
An exhibition on algorithmic music at EPFL Pavilions
An exhibition on algorithmic music at EPFL Pavilions
On view at EPFL Pavilions, the exhibition Musica ex Machina: Machines Thinking Musically offers an immersive journey through the incredible history of algorithmic thinking and music.

Materials Science - Environment - 24.09.2024
Solar cells for the Internet of Things
Solar cells for the Internet of Things

Astronomy / Space - Innovation - 24.09.2024
UZH Bolsters Its Aerospace and Aviation Research at Innovation Park Zurich
UZH Bolsters Its Aerospace and Aviation Research at Innovation Park Zurich
The UZH Space Hub leverages its strong interdisciplinary research and international network to help advance the fields of remote sensing, astrophysics, space life sciences and autonomous drone navigation.

Earth Sciences - 24.09.2024
’Discipline is an important factor’

Politics - 23.09.2024
Switzerland participates in G20 discussions on research and innovation

Campus - Career - 23.09.2024
Business: 784 graduates celebrate their graduation

Physics - Campus - 23.09.2024
Exploring the fascinating science behind cooking
Exploring the fascinating science behind cooking

Life Sciences - Event - 21.09.2024
FMI Science Prizes — winners 2024

Campus - Health - 20.09.2024
Call for Proposals: 2025 Swiss Starting Grant, how to apply

Health - 20.09.2024
Swiss TPH Symposium: Defining the Noma Research Agenda
Swiss TPH Symposium: Defining the Noma Research Agenda

Campus - Life Sciences - 19.09.2024
Fifteen professors appointed

Administration - Campus - 19.09.2024
ETH Board appoints EPFL's new leadership team
ETH Board appoints EPFL's new leadership team

Environment - Earth Sciences - 19.09.2024
Lenny Winkel appointed ETH professor
Lenny Winkel appointed ETH professor

Research Management - Chemistry - 19.09.2024
Michele Parrinello in the Citation Laureates 2024

Health - Pharmacology - 19.09.2024
Tumour irradiation, individualised daily
As a journalist, do you have general questions about PSI? Are you looking for an expert on your topic?  Get in touch with our A PSI feasibility study shows: Even in everyday clinical practice, treatment can be adapted daily.

Materials Science - Environment - 19.09.2024
Storing the sun's heat at 1200 degrees
Storing the sun’s heat at 1200 degrees
The ETH spin-off Synhelion has recently inaugurated the world's first industrial plant for the production of solar fuels in Germany.

Innovation - Economics - 19.09.2024
Dental innovation: Actival and CSEM launch 3D antibacterial aligners
Dental innovation: Actival and CSEM launch 3D antibacterial aligners

Sport - Architecture - 18.09.2024
World-class stadium with a new look
World-class stadium with a new look
What does a university of applied sciences in central Switzerland have to do with the world-famous football stadium of a world-famous club in Madrid?

Environment - Innovation - 18.09.2024
The University of Bern names carbon reduction and innovation as the focal points of its climate strategy
The University of Bern is revising its climate strategy.

Life Sciences - 18.09.2024
"I’m glad I didn’t give up."

Physics - 18.09.2024
LHC experiments at CERN observe quantum entanglement at the highest energy yet
Quantum entanglement is a fascinating feature of quantum physics - the theory of the very small. If two particles are quantum-entangled, the state of one particle is tied to that of the other, no matter how far apart the particles are. This mind-bending phenomenon, which has no analogue in classical physics, has been observed in a wide variety of systems and has found several important applications, such as quantum cryptography and quantum computing.

Economics - 18.09.2024
Despite higher interest rates: companies have their financing costs under control
Despite higher interest rates: companies have their financing costs under control
The downside: The surge in inflation, higher interest rates and problems in supply chains pose significant challenges for Swiss companies.

Environment - Materials Science - 17.09.2024
A day of engaging encounters
A day of engaging encounters

Environment - Innovation - 17.09.2024
For UN Agenda: data gaps detected in 193 countries
For UN Agenda: data gaps detected in 193 countries

Chemistry - 16.09.2024
Songlan Sun joins IBRE

Campus - Social Sciences - 16.09.2024
Social work: 129 graduates receive their diplomas

Environment - Microtechnics - 16.09.2024
Joint professorship for robotics between EPFL and Empa
Joint professorship for robotics between EPFL and Empa

Computer Science - Politics - 14.09.2024
New research infrastructure: 'Alps' supercomputer inaugurated
New research infrastructure: ’Alps’ supercomputer inaugurated
On 14 September, ETH Zurich officially inaugurated the new 'Alps' supercomputer at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) in Lugano.