An EPFL building has been occupied today

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© 2024 EPFL
© 2024 EPFL
A group, not recognised by the School, called for a pro-Palestinian demonstration within the walls of the EPFL. The management offered to meet representatives of this movement tomorrow and asked the demonstrators to leave the premises voluntarily, which they did calmly shortly before 6pm.

EPFL regrets the occupation of the hall of the SG building by some 80 people between 11.45am and 6pm on 7 May. The demonstration was organised by the "Student Coordination for Palestine", which is not a recognised EPFL association. It comes after the same group sent demands by email on Friday 3 May.

The EPFL management sent a delegation to try to establish a dialogue with the members of the EPFL community present on site. At the end of five hours of discussions, the parties agreed to organise a discussion on the following day between members of the EPFL management and an equivalent number of student representatives, who would focus on their demands. It was also agreed that minutes would be made public at the end of the meeting and that a bipartite press conference would be organised. Management also undertook not to take any academic sanctions against the demonstrators.

The agreement also asked the demonstrators to leave the premises of their own free will, which they did shortly before 6pm, in the presence of the police but without any intervention on their part.

In order to maintain the school’s activities, all the buildings on campus are reserved for members of the EPFL community until further notice. Access is by Camipro card. It is not permitted to let anyone in who is not a member of the EPFL community.