Hansjoerg Albrecher, Professor at HEC Lausanne, University of Lausanne, has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the European Actuarial Journal (EAJ). The school congratulates him for this nomination.
The European Actuarial Journal (EAJ) is the successor of six national actuarial journals in Europe. It was founded in 2011 to combine their scope and impact as a scientific journal that bridges actuarial theory and practice. It has since then developed into one of the key journals in the field of actuarial science, focusing on theory and methods for actuarial applications in insurance and finance. The coverage of topics includes classical actuarial mathematics as life and non-life insurance, pension funds and reinsurance, as well as more recent areas of interest such as risk management, asset-and-liability management, solvency, catastrophe modeling, systematic changes in risk parameters, longevity, and data science challenges in insurance.
After having served as one of three main editors of Insurance: Mathematics & Economics from 2010-2017, a flagship journal in actuarial science, and being a Co-Editor of the EAJ in previous years, Prof. Albrecher serves now as the Editor-in-Chief of the EAJ and plans to "further strengthen the journal's role as a scientific outlet of the eleven supporting national actuarial associations as well as a platform for knowledge exchange between theory and practice in the field of insurance". In addition to this responsibility, he will continue to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of the Springer Actuarial Book Series , Co-Editor of the Journal Statistics and Risk Modelling as well as Associate Editor of the Journal of Applied Probability and Advances in Applied Probability .
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