Professor Colin Porlezza will take part in the third stage of the project, scheduled for the five-year period 2025-2029. The previous stages took place from 2013 to 2018 and from 2019 to 2023.
The Journalistic Role Performance It is "cross-national, theory-driven endeavour established in 2013 to systematically analyse the state of journalistic cultures in the new media landscape across the world". The JRP has two objectives: the first is to observe how different professional roles "materialize in the news in different organizational, institutional and social settings", the second is to address the discrepancy between "professional and/or normative ideals and journalistic practices, explaining the gap between the importance that journalists and the media give to different professional roles, and journalistic role performance".
Over the years, the JRP has achieved remarkable milestones, such as analysing the performance of professional roles in print media in 18 countries and comparing the presence of different journalistic roles in the news content of television, radio, print and online media in 37 countries, exploring the influence of platforms and news flows across different media systems.
The survey conducted during the third phase of the Journalistic Role Performance The JRP network comprises 59 international universities and 80 scholars from America, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Oceania, representing different media systems and classifications. In addition, some 100 students (Bachelor, Master and PhD students) will participate in the project.