Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts launches complementary Bachelor’s degree program in Hospitality Management

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Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) is expanding its range of courses. From the 2025/2026 academic year, graduates of the SHL Swiss Hotel Management School Lucerne in particular will be able to complete a "top-off" Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management. The aim is to further strengthen Lucerne as a tourism destination.

Switzerland enjoys an excellent reputation in the field of hospitality management education: skills for managing hotel and catering businesses are taught at a high level. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) and the SHL Swiss Hotel Management School Lucerne want to continue to contribute to this. At its meeting on September 27, the Concordat Council of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts therefore approved the introduction of the Bachelor in Hospitality Management course. It is aimed in particular at SHL students. From the 2025/2026 academic year, they will be able to complete the new Bachelor’s degree program after completing their studies at SHL - with a flat-rate crediting of the coursework they have already completed.

Strengthening the permeability of the education system

"We are very pleased to further develop the existing good cooperation with SHL," says Christine Böckelmann, Director of the Department of Business at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Because: "The new Bachelor’s degree course is an excellent opportunity for students to build on the specialist skills they acquired at SHL to obtain a Bachelor’s degree."

Christa Augsburger, Director of the Swiss Hotel Management School Lucerne, is also convinced by the new Bachelor’s degree course: "It is very attractive for our graduates. Within one year, students can obtain a Bachelor’s degree that is recognized and valued both nationally and internationally."

Admission to the new degree program is open to people with an HF degree in hospitality or tourism or people with at least 90 ECTS credits from a university degree program in hospitality management. "As a continuation of the degree from a university of applied sciences, our bachelor’s degree thus contributes to the permeability between universities of applied sciences and universities of applied sciences, which is important for the Swiss education system," says Christine Böckelmann. "Top-off" means that the HSLU does not offer the entire degree program, but only as a supplement to a degree from a university of applied sciences. The aim is to further strengthen Lucerne as a tourism destination.

Enabling diverse careers

HSLU and SHL are convinced that the new cooperation will meet with great interest. "A Swiss Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management is highly sought-after, as it increases the chances of finding an attractive position in the hospitality industry - especially internationally," says Christa Augsburger.

For graduates of the universities of applied sciences, the Bachelor’s degree offers the opportunity to continue their professional development or even to complete a Master’s degree. In addition, a growing interest from students outside Switzerland can be expected. The global growth in the tourism industry and Switzerland’s good reputation as a training location in the hotel industry also make the English-language course attractive to international students. "The global student market, which is already being targeted with our Bachelor International Sustainable Tourism, is likely to have potential, as tourism is a kind of pioneering industry for the development of the economies of many emerging countries," says Christine Böckelmann.

Strengthening Lucerne as a tourism location

The Bachelor in Hospitality Management also helps to further strengthen Lucerne as a tourism stronghold with global appeal. According to a study conducted by BAK Economics on behalf of Lucerne Tourism (LTAG) and the canton and city of Lucerne, the overall economic impact of the tourism sector results in a value added of CHF 1,324 million and is responsible for around 12,500 jobs in the Lucerne region.

The launch of the course underlines the commitment of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and SHL to innovation in education and its role as a driving force for the regional economy, as Christine Böckelmann says. Interested parties can apply now (further information: The next start of studies at the SHL Swiss Hotel Management School Lucerne is in fall 2025, while the "Top-off" Bachelor’s degree will be offered from spring 2026.

Competence center for tourism, mobility and sustainability

The Institute for Tourism and Mobility (ITM) is one of four institutes of the Lucerne School of Business. Partners, customers and students benefit from the comprehensive knowledge in tourism and mobility-specific training and further education, applied research and practice-oriented consulting. The ITM has been researching, advising and teaching in the fields of tourism, mobility and sustainability since 1993.

The competent lecturers and academic staff work on research and service contracts at regional, national and international level.

Prospective, career changers or practising professionals in the fields of tourism, mobility and sustainability benefit from the interesting training and further education courses offered by the institute. Teaching is provided by experienced lecturers who, in addition to proven specialist knowledge, have a high level of practical experience and a large network in the industry.