wire - news in brief



Results 1 - 50 of 65.

Mathematics - Computer Science - 19.11.2024
And it keeps on turning
And it keeps on turning
The coloured Cube has been around for 50 years. Its inventor, Erno Rubik, celebrated his 80th birthday this year.

Mathematics - 18.11.2024
When statistics rhyme with culture
When statistics rhyme with culture

Event - Mathematics - 12.09.2024
Kai Hormann honoured with the prestigious John A. Gregory Award

Computer Science - Mathematics - 28.06.2024
Researchers at ETH Zurich develop the fastest possible flow algorithm
Researchers at ETH Zurich develop the fastest possible flow algorithm
Rasmus Kyng has written the near-perfect algorithm. It computes the maximum transport flow at minimum cost for any kind of network - be it rail, road or electricity - at a speed that is, mathematically speaking, impossible to beat.

Mathematics - Transport - 10.04.2024
New model better predicts our daily travel choices
New model better predicts our daily travel choices
An EPFL engineer has developed a forecasting model that factors in not just our commuting habits, but also our activities during the day.

Mathematics - 05.09.2023
ETH Zurich employs computers as supplementary maths tutors
Every year at ETH Zurich, hundreds of students learn the fundamentals of mathematics through lectures and exercises.

Mathematics - 21.08.2023
Swiss Statistics Meeting 2023 - without data, no statistics, no research, no business!

Mathematics - Computer Science - 29.06.2023
A good solution's secret
A good solution’s secret
Mathematician Siddhartha Mishra has been awarded this year's Rössler Prize for his research on solutions for highly complex flow and wave phenomena.

Mathematics - Earth Sciences - 26.06.2023
How a change of perspective caused a sensation
How a change of perspective caused a sensation
Using applied mathematics, Yunan Yang finds solutions to the inverse problems that arise in seismology, weather forecasts, and machine learning.

Mathematics - Physics - 02.06.2023
'His mathematical intelligence was unparalleled'
’His mathematical intelligence was unparalleled’
John von Neumann was one of the most important mathematicians and computer pioneers of the 20th century - and an ETH alumnus.

Health - Mathematics - 16.01.2023
A tool to detect higher-order phenomena in real-world data
Researchers have developed a novel approach to network analysis that allows them to reveal and interpret, for the first time, interactions among multiple variables in data from neuroscience, economics, and epidemiology. Many phenomena - brain signals, stock prices, or COVID hospitalizations, for example - can be studied using time series data, which are collected as repeated measurements over a given time interval.

Mathematics - 19.12.2022
Designing better algorithms by testing them with hard problems
A new research project led by Luca Gambardella, professor at the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence IDSIA (USI-SUPSI) and Pro-Rector for Innovation and Corporate Relations, has been approved by the  Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) . The study entitled 'Computational methods for integrality gaps analysis' approaches the optimisation of algorithms to deal with complex problems from an innovative and original perspective.

Mathematics - 29.11.2022
The quest for infinite paths
The quest for infinite paths
How does water seep through porous rock? Investigating this question with a mathematical model was the starting point for Barbara Dembin's research.

Mathematics - Physics - 16.11.2022
A true connoisseur of geometric shapes
A true connoisseur of geometric shapes

Mathematics - 15.11.2022
Contagious AHA experiences

Mathematics - 18.10.2022
’GPS, e-banking and more - Euler’s mathematics is modern’

Mathematics - Campus - 05.07.2022
Fields Medal for a mathematician from the University of Geneva
Fields Medal for a mathematician from the University of Geneva

Mathematics - Event - 05.07.2022
An EPFL mathematician is awarded a Fields Medal
An EPFL mathematician is awarded a Fields Medal

Mathematics - 31.05.2022
Simple questions, difficult answers | ETH Zurich
Simple questions, difficult answers | ETH Zurich
Oliver Janzer is a mathematician who specialises in graphs - that is, collections of nodes that may or may not be connected, such as Facebook users.

Campus - Mathematics - 17.03.2022
EPFL offers three new Masters
EPFL offers three new Masters
EPFL is introducing three new Master's programs to widen the offer of the School's cross-disciplinary study programs in basic sciences and engineering: the Master's in Neuro-X, the Master's in Quantum Science and Engineering and the Master's in Statistics.

Campus - Mathematics - 12.03.2022
Nominations of EPFL professors
Nominations of EPFL professors

Campus - Mathematics - 22.10.2021
EPFL introduces the new Bernoulli Center for Fundamental Studies

Astronomy / Space - Mathematics - 29.08.2021
New Mathematical Solutions to An Old Problem in Astronomy
The Bernese theoretical astrophysicist Kevin Heng has achieved a rare feat: On paper, he has derived novel solutions to an old mathematical problem needed to calculate light reflections from planets and moons.

Mathematics - Event - 17.06.2021
Using the power of drawing to discern order in nature
Using the power of drawing to discern order in nature

Computer Science - Mathematics - 11.06.2021
How ETH students established the first all-female Olympiad in Informatics
How ETH students established the first all-female Olympiad in Informatics
Next week, the first European Girls' Olympiad in Informatics will take place in Zurich. The competition, which will have around 160 participants from 43 countries, is being organised by ETH students, who also came up with the original idea and are the driving force behind the event.

Campus - Mathematics - 09.03.2021
Women at EPFL: (civil) engineering the future
Women at EPFL: (civil) engineering the future

Campus - Mathematics - 05.03.2021
Seven professors appointed

Mathematics - Campus - 04.11.2020
"The real value of a course is the sharing of intuition"

Mathematics - Health - 02.11.2020
USI professor appointed in the Swiss Statistical Society

Mathematics - 28.08.2020
Infinite fun with the infinite worlds
Infinite fun with the infinite worlds
The fact that there are many different types of infinities is one of the big puzzles in mathematics.

Mathematics - 07.07.2020
Maryna Viazovska, explorer of mathematical dimensions
Maryna Viazovska, explorer of mathematical dimensions
Maryna Viazovska, who holds the Chair of Number Theory at EPFL, has resolved the problem of sphere packing in 8 and 24 dimensions.

Career - Mathematics - 29.05.2020
Learn with me! ETH apprentices help by tutoring schoolchildren
Learn with me! ETH apprentices help by tutoring schoolchildren

Mathematics - 21.04.2020
Matheminecraft: when Mathematics merge with Minecraft
Matheminecraft: when Mathematics merge with Minecraft
Using the famous computer game Minecraft, Mathematicians at EPFL have developed a video game around Eulerian Cycles.

Computer Science - Mathematics - 02.04.2020
Olaf Schenk elected in the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics  has elected Professor Olaf Schenk as a SIAM Fellow in the class of 2020 for his contributions to applied mathematics and extreme-scale High-performance computing (HPC).

Mathematics - 19.02.2020
IRSOL becomes an affiliated institute of USI

Earth Sciences - Mathematics - 01.01.2020
Rolf Krause appointed for the Federal Geological Commission

Mathematics - Computer Science - 17.12.2019
Antonietta Mira in the Federal Statistics Committee

Mathematics - Physics - 25.11.2019
The random importance of clouds
The random importance of clouds
Juhan Aru is a new professor in Mathematics at EPFL where he holds the Chair of Random Geometry. His work aims at understanding geometric properties of models where randomness and geometry meet.

Mathematics - 13.11.2019
Visiting Alessio Figalli
Visiting Alessio Figalli

Mathematics - 02.09.2019
One year after the Fields Medal

Computer Science - Mathematics - 04.06.2019
EPFL hosts first Swiss edition of youth cryptography competition
EPFL hosts first Swiss edition of youth cryptography competition
On May 28, the EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) and Science Outreach Department (SPS) organized the final of the first Swiss edition of the Alkindi Competition, where more than 40 secondary school students from across the country put their code-cracking skills to the test.

Physics - Mathematics - 03.04.2019
ERC Grants for Research at UZH
ERC Grants for Research at UZH
Three researchers at the University of Zurich have received an ERC Advanced Grant. A physicist, a mathematician and a theologian will each receive up to 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council to continue their research.

Economics - Mathematics - 06.02.2019
Ce que l’ADN révèle de nos ancêtres

Mathematics - 05.10.2018
Simone Deparis rewarded for his flipped classroom
Simone Deparis rewarded for his flipped classroom

Mathematics - 02.10.2018
Appel à contributions : Éditions critiques, graphes et web sémantique

Mathematics - Event - 01.08.2018
Alessio Figalli wins the "Nobel Prize of Mathematics"

Mathematics - 24.07.2018
Fields Medal Winner Artur Avila Appointed Full Professor at UZH

Mathematics - Career - 05.10.2017
Mathematician Mathilde Bouvel is to receive the 2017 Marie Heim-Vögtlin Prize
Mathematician Mathilde Bouvel is to receive the 2017 Marie Heim-Vögtlin Prize

Mathematics - 24.08.2017
Structural Business Statistics 2015: Employment grows again thanks to the tertiary sector
Structural Business Statistics 2015: Employment grows again thanks to the tertiary sector

Computer Science - Mathematics - 04.07.2017
On fast track at ETH
On fast track at ETH
At the age of 29, Professor of Computer Science Mohsen Ghaffari is one of the youngest professors at ETH Zurich.