Open science: for an open scientific research

A workshop on Open Science and Open Research Data will be held on Monday, 22 November, between 9 am and 12 pm, addressed to professors, researchers, PhD students at USI, and staff of the services more directly involved in supporting research ( ). This important paradigm aims at making every phase of scientific research open. We delve into the subject with the Pro-Rector for Research Patrick Gagliardini.

Prof. Gagliardini, can you tell us more about the topic of the workshop that will be held on 22 November?

"Research data management is becoming increasingly central to both academia and services. What lies behind popular acronyms such as ORD and RDM? What strategy is USI called to develop in this specific area? What is being done nationally and internationally in this area? Based on some concrete experiences, the encounter aims to provide the basic elements to all the people dealing with research data. The event, which takes place as part of USI25, is aimed at USI staff."

Can you share with us what is meant by Open Science?

"It is a way of conceiving what is produced in science - e.g., articles, conference proceedings, books, experimental data, and methodologies - as freely accessible to other researchers and the community."

What are the benefits to research and society?

"There is general recognition of the value of fostering open science: open access to publicly funded research results improves the information available to the public, increases the visibility of publications and the Swiss academic arena, fosters more equitable access to science, and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration around the world. This has a positive impact on society, from education to medical practice to entrepreneurs’ ability to innovate. All, of course, while protecting the intellectual property of female researchers."

And what does Open Research Data, also the subject of Monday’s workshop, consist of instead?

"It is a dimension of Open science and research best practices, which aims in particular to facilitate access and reuse of scientific data. Thanks to this approach, we will have increasingly transparent and replicable research results. Moreover, doing so promotes collaboration between research groups and disciplines across legal systems and national borders."

Has Swissuniversities developed a country-wide strategy for Open Access and Open Research Data?

"Yes, at the request of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation and in collaboration with the Swiss National Science Foundation, swissuniversities has developed a national strategy for Open Access. According to this strategy, by 2024, scientific publications with public funding should be available in Open Access. The national Open Research Data strategy addresses funding for data lifecycle infrastructure, and very relevant aspects such as creating awareness of these issues among researchers, and the impact for research evaluation and careers."

Where does USI stand? What tools is it acquiring?

"Like other Swiss universities, USI is developing its strategy following the national strategy and international developments on this topic. For example, we have outlined a university policy for Open Access and decided to join national initiatives such as the Swiss Reproducibility Network , of which we have recently become institutional members. A central aspect concerns the awareness of USI researchers on this issue, which we want to promote with initiatives such as the workshop on Monday, 22 November, and others that will follow."