A new publishing agreement with the scientific publisher ACM has been put into effect at USI. This agreement is one of several that have been reached with various academic publishers. These agreements are implemented by the USI Libraries and provide access to the publishers’ periodicals while also offering the opportunity to publish in Open Access free of charge with minimal cost increases. These are further important additions to the Swiss national OA strategy.
USI researchers can publish Hybrid or Gold Open Access articles free of charge in ACM - Association for Computing Machinery magazines, journals and conference proceedings on this list, provided they are corresponding authors of the article and under contract with USI. The agreement extends until 2025. During the publication process, the publisher must be properly informed of the affiliation with USI or another Swiss research institution participating in the agreement.
We recommend using the institutional email address @usi when submitting the article.
We remind you that USI, in addition to concluding agreements with individual publishers, financially supports its researchers’ publication of Gold OA articles if they are not already funded as part of an SNSF project.
USI Libraries are available to provide further information on Read&Publish agreements, as well as on OA publishing in general.
Biblioteche dell’Università della Svizzera italiana [email protected] https://it.bul.sbu.usi.ch/information/open_access http://biblio.arc.usi.ch/it/open-access
Read&Publish agreement with ACM - Association for Computing Machinery