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Social Sciences

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Health - Social Sciences - 20.11.2024
Swiss TPH Symposium: Women and Gender in Global Health
Swiss TPH Symposium: Women and Gender in Global Health

Campus - Social Sciences - 16.09.2024
Social work: 129 graduates receive their diplomas

Social Sciences - 05.08.2024
Stranger Danger and online fringe communities
New EPFL research has found that the exchange of comments between members and non-members of fringe communities (fringe-interactions) on mainstream online platforms attracts new members to these groups. It has also suggested potential ways to curtail this growth. Fringe communities promoting conspiracy theories and extremist ideologies have thrived on mainstream online platforms, consistently raising the question on how this growth is fueled.

Social Sciences - 03.07.2024
Learning lessons from medium-sized Swiss cities
Learning lessons from medium-sized Swiss cities
"La Suisse de A(rbon) à Z(oug): Portrait en 12 villes", a new book published by EPFL Press, eschews the traditional focus on major conurbations.

Social Sciences - 20.06.2024
New sexuality education materials for teenagers and young adults with learning difficulties
In future, teenagers and young adults with learning difficulties should be given the opportunity to find out about the body, love and sexuality independently or with support of their own choosing.

Health - Social Sciences - 18.06.2024
Social inequalities widen after a breast cancer
A French-Swiss team has highlighted the long-term impact of socioeconomic inequalities on the quality of life of women who have had breast cancer.

Social Sciences - 14.06.2024
Study trip Berlin 2024

Psychology - Social Sciences - 14.06.2024
Strengthening diversity in working life: G-VERSITY presents its results

Social Sciences - 13.06.2024
Visitors from Potsdam and St. Pölten

Social Sciences - Career - 13.06.2024
Cooperation between the Lucerne School of Social Work, partner organizations/NGOs, the partner universities in Tirana, Shkodra and Elbasan, and the UNDP (United Nation Development Programme) in Albania

Forensic Science - Social Sciences - 11.06.2024
How Islamist Extremists Forge Relationships with Accomplices
The study by a researcher from the University of Bern provides extraordinary insights into the networks of Islamist accomplices in the USA. These are characterized by common socio-cultural features, geographical proximity and ideological affiliation. In particular, the results could well contribute to the fight against terror networks at a local level.

Social Sciences - 10.06.2024
Interventions against Misinformation also Increase Skepticism toward Reliable Sources
Efforts to tackle false information through fact-checking or media literacy initiatives increases the public's skepticism toward "fake news". However, they also breed distrust in genuine, fact-based news sources, a UZH-led study using online survey experiments in the US, Poland and Hong Kong shows. Studies have shown that few people actually come across false information in their day-to-day lives.

Innovation - Social Sciences - 16.05.2024
Tailoring digital responses for humanitarian action
Tailoring digital responses for humanitarian action

Psychology - Social Sciences - 08.05.2024
A training program to support young people’s struggle with stress and burden
Whenever a child behaves aggressively at school, a lack of parenting is often assumed. This overlooks the possibility of underlying mental health problems.

Social Sciences - 07.05.2024
Pro-Palestinian movement at EPFL: update
Pro-Palestinian movement at EPFL: update

Social Sciences - Environment - 01.05.2024
The housing shortage dilemma: more housing alone is not enough
The issue of housing shortages is not disappearing from the headlines. According to housing researcher Miriam Meuth, the displacement of certain sections of the population from their homes and neighborhoods is not discussed enough.

Politics - Social Sciences - 10.04.2024
Study on "anti-gender" policy in Switzerland and Europe
A Europe-wide research project shows where and how "anti-gender" policies manifest themselves in different countries. It also exists in Switzerland, as a partial study by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the University of Lausanne and the University of Fribourg shows. 'Anti-gender' policy refers to efforts aimed at restricting sexual and gender diversity and gender equality.

Social Sciences - Philosophy - 26.03.2024
Between freedom and jealousy: The phenomenon of open relationships
Between freedom and jealousy: The phenomenon of open relationships

Social Sciences - Politics - 04.03.2024
Immigrant political participation is associated with more positive majority immigration attitudes across European countries and Swiss cantons
New article on immigrant political participation in Europe and Swiss cantons published online Comparative Migration Studies Immigrants are increasingly participating in politics, publicizing their political concerns and contributions.

Campus - Social Sciences - 19.02.2024
Social work: 82 graduates receive their diplomas

Environment - Social Sciences - 15.02.2024
Power dynamics in nature conservation
The "SCNAT knowledge" web portal provides guidance. The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and its network report the state of knowledge, based on sound scientific findings and in regards to Switzerland - for the attention of politics, administration, business, science and practice.

Campus - Social Sciences - 15.01.2024
Registration open for the 28th Summer School in Social Science Methods

Research Management - Social Sciences - 13.12.2023
Ukraine has lost 18% of its scientists due to the war
Ukraine has lost 18% of its scientists due to the war
18% of Ukraine's scientists have fled due to the war and research capacity is down 20%, according to researchers in a study where they urge stakeholders to plan future policies to ensure the return of talent for rebuilding Ukraine.

Social Sciences - Event - 21.11.2023
Cross-Stitch Technique or Childhood Memory?
Cross-Stitch Technique or Childhood Memory?

Media - Social Sciences - 21.11.2023
Between acceptance and rejection:
Between acceptance and rejection: "public service media are fighting for legitimacy more than ever before"

Social Sciences - Economics - 25.09.2023
Postal services with high legitimacy,Public service media have lowest backing
Postal services with high legitimacy,Public service media have lowest backing
In an international study, the Gallup AG Switzerland polling institute and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts examined the legitimacy of 25 primary care organizations in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

Social Sciences - 11.09.2023
Four out of ten students undertake at least one internship during their studies

Social Sciences - 04.09.2023
Lancement du projet CoORDinates / Kick-off of the CoORDinates

Health - Social Sciences - 29.08.2023
An investment in more research to benefit children and adolescents
An investment in more research to benefit children and adolescents

Social Sciences - Agronomy / Food Science - 25.08.2023
Do children prefer pizza? Here comes MenuCH-Kids, the national study on the eating behaviour of children
Do children prefer pizza? Here comes MenuCH-Kids, the national study on the eating behaviour of children

Social Sciences - Psychology - 25.08.2023
"Power is not intrinsically good or bad"
Work psychologist Petra Schmid studies the effects of social power. She favours an interdisciplinary approach that includes both lab experiments and surveys.

Career - Social Sciences - 27.07.2023
Many people feel their jobs are pointless
Many people feel their jobs are pointless
A sociological study by the University of Zurich confirms that a considerable proportion of employees perceive their work as socially useless. Employees in financial, sales and management occupations are more likely to conclude that their jobs are of little use to society. In recent years, research showed that many professionals consider their work to be socially useless.

Innovation - Social Sciences - 27.06.2023
An AI future worthy of humanity

Social Sciences - Campus - 05.06.2023
USI at the Annual Meeting of the Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

Health - Social Sciences - 30.05.2023
Run for Hope

Social Sciences - Career - 12.05.2023
'Women researchers and students are highly ambitious and committed'
’Women researchers and students are highly ambitious and committed’

Innovation - Social Sciences - 03.05.2023
PeaceTech Alliance leverages interdisciplinarity to build peace
EPFL, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), the Geneva Graduate Institute and the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform have announced the launch of a PeaceTech Alliance.

Health - Social Sciences - 27.04.2023
New Midwife Care Model Improves Well-Being of Vulnerable Families
New Midwife Care Model Improves Well-Being of Vulnerable Families
A new home-based midwife care model has shown promise in improving the well-being of women in vulnerable family situations and preventing early chronic childhood stress according to a new study published recently in BMC Health Services Research.

Social Sciences - Economics - 05.04.2023
Itinerant markets under the eye of anthropologists
Itinerant markets under the eye of anthropologists
The sociological study Moving Market Places focuses on the daily life of those who run stalls in mobile markets in four countries (Spain, United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Switzerland).

Social Sciences - 06.03.2023
Inclusive social norms and nationals’ positive intergroup orientations toward refugees
Inclusive social norms and nationals' positive intergroup orientations toward refugees: The moderating role of initial prejudice and intergroup contact Research on the interplay between inclusive norms and intergroup contact on improving intergroup orientations has yielded conflicting results, suggesting either that an experience of personal contact is necessary to have a positive effect of inclusive norms or that such personal experience is not always necessary.

Environment - Social Sciences - 31.01.2023
Restoring nature equitably
Efforts to restore degraded ecosystems have so far fallen short of meeting global targets. Sound restoration must better incorporate social processes promoting equity in order to effectively benefit people, climate and biodiversity, says Sara Löfqvist. The United Nations Biodiversity Conference in Montreal closed this past December with an unprecedented agreement to place 30 percent of global degraded landscapes under protection by 2030, especially emphasizing the need to respect indigenous and local communities rights in the process.

Social Sciences - 31.01.2023
Bettina Beer: fieldwork on the island of Bohol

Social Sciences - 30.01.2023
Registration is now open for the 27th Summer School in Social Science Methods

Social Sciences - 24.01.2023
Men Are Leaving Feminizing Occupations
Many women and men still work in sex-typed occupations. One important reason for this is that men are selectively leaving occupations that are increasingly taken up by women, a recent study from the University of Zurich has shown. This could explain swings in the sex compositions of jobs and why some specializations within occupations become female or male-dominated.

Environment - Social Sciences - 21.12.2022
Climate Change, Wars and Insatiable Data Dredgers
Climate Change, Wars and Insatiable Data Dredgers
The challenges facing the global community today are complex and manifold: climate crisis, war, poverty, inequality, digitalization, a new political world order.

Social Sciences - 07.11.2022
Gender differences in research recognition: a study demonstrates their extent and evolution 

Social Sciences - 25.10.2022
Social assistance: Lack of education is a poverty risk
Social assistance: Lack of education is a poverty risk

Research Management - Social Sciences - 10.10.2022
The challenges of scientific research evaluation
The challenges of scientific research evaluation
Evaluation of research conducted by academic institutions was one of the topics addressed during the fourth REHES workshop, Research on Higher Education and Science in Switzerland, which brought toge

Economics - Social Sciences - 05.10.2022
Collecting and Selling as a Business Model and Relationship Building
Collecting and Selling as a Business Model and Relationship Building

Social Sciences - Health - 08.09.2022
Youth and physical activity, a study shows the importance of living environment and the role of parents
The SOPHYA study (Swiss Children's Objectively Measured Physical Activity), conducted by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) in collaboration with the Università della Svizzera
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