The European Institute for Secure Communication is established

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Annegret Friederike Hannawa, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society at USI and ambassador for the canton of Uri, founded the European Institute for Secure Communication (EISC) in Altdorf together with Thierry Girard, Head of Basel University Hospital.The institute’s goal is to improve communication security in high-risk sectors.

The EISC aims to address the critical importance of effective communication in high-risk environments, where human errors can have catastrophic consequences. Focusing on four key areas: aviation, rescue, healthcare and global crises, the institute will develop and promote evidence-based communication standards to ensure safety and efficiency. As founding president, Professor Annegret Friederike Hannawa brings extensive experience in the field of communication sciences to the institute, particularly in contexts where communication is critical to safety and success. In her remarks at the founding ceremony, Hannawa highlighted the institute’s mission: "In a world where efficient and error-free communication can save lives, it is essential that we constantly improve our methods and practices. The European Institute for Safe Communication will help to set evidence-based benchmarks to keep the safety of interpersonal communication in risky situations at the highest standard."

International collaboration for safer communication

The institute’s approach is deeply collaborative, drawing on the expertise of global leaders in relevant fields. Sir Liam Donaldson, former Chief Medical Officer of the United Kingdom, and Manfred Müller, , the former head of security at Lufthansa, will oversee the high-risk areas of healthcare and aviation, respectively. Their involvement underscores the institute’s commitment to integrating international perspectives into its work.

Key activities of the EISC will include the development of safe practice guidelines and evidence-based solutions for frontline professionals. These initiatives aim to ensure that communication, especially in critical situations, is as safe and effective as possible.

The establishment of the EISC in Altdorf (Uri) positions the center of Switzerland as a crucial hub for innovative communication strategies aimed at saving lives. The institute’s work will not only benefit the immediate region but also have far-reaching implications for safety practices worldwide.