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University of Zurich

Results 151 - 200 of 257.

Pharmacology - Life Sciences - 16.05.2018
Cellular Valve Structure Opens Up Potential Novel Therapies
Cellular Valve Structure Opens Up Potential Novel Therapies
Human cells are enclosed by membranes and are in osmotic equilibrium with their environment. If the concentration of solute molecules (osmolarity) in the fluid surrounding the cells decreases, cells start to swell; in extreme cases, this can result in the cells bursting.

Event - Health - 28.04.2018
UZH Awards Eight Honorary Doctorates

Health - 20.04.2018
How Do People Die in Switzerland Today?
Across all regions, in more than three quarters of cases deaths were preceded by at least one end-of-life decision. (Image: Istock.com/LPETTET) Today, almost two thirds of deaths in Switzerland are foreseeable due to old age or terminal illness. This means that difficult end-of-life decision have to be made.

Event - Economics - 12.04.2018
Joint Exhibition with Ugandan Museums
Joint Exhibition with Ugandan Museums

Administration - Life Sciences - 10.04.2018
Researcher Granted EUR 2.5 Million in Funding
Each year the European Research Council (ERC), open to both junior and established researchers, awards substantial funding for outstanding fundamental research.

Event - 04.04.2018
Europe's University Leaders Meet at UZH
Europe’s University Leaders Meet at UZH

Health - Pharmacology - 04.04.2018
Therapeutic vaccine platform achieves proof of concepts in veterinary medical use
Therapeutic vaccine platform achieves proof of concepts in veterinary medical use
Scientists from the Universities of Bern, Zurich and Oxford as well as the Latvian Biomedical Research & Study Centre led by Prof. Martin F. Bachmann (University Clinic of Rheumatology, Immunoloy and Allergology, University of Bern) have developed a new therapeutic vaccine technology based upon enhanced virus like nanoparticle conjugates.

Health - Pharmacology - 22.03.2018
North and South Cooperation to Combat Tuberculosis
North and South Cooperation to Combat Tuberculosis
More than 4,000 people worldwide die from tuberculosis every day. This means the disease tops the list of the most common causes of death that result from a single pathogen.

Health - Pharmacology - 19.03.2018
LSD Blurs Boundaries between the experience of Self and Other
LSD Blurs Boundaries between the experience of Self and Other
Virtually all mental health disorders come with difficulties in interpersonal relations that in the long run negatively affect the progression of the disease. The associated health an social restrictions can only be marginally improved by current forms of therapy. One of the reasons for this is that there has been very little research into the basic neurobiological principles and in particular the neurochemical mechanisms of these kinds of disorders.

Health - Economics - 22.02.2018
Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation to Finance New Center for Research into Long-Term Effects of Breastfeeding
What are the reasons a mother does or does not breastfeed? What effect does the decision have on the child, the mother, and society? Although there is a lot of scientific evidence for the health benef

Health - Chemistry - 20.02.2018
Engaging in University Education in Old Age
Engaging in University Education in Old Age

Health - Philosophy - 12.02.2018
Public Lectures about 1918, Aging, Ethics, and Truth

Media - 05.02.2018
High Number of Science Enthusiasts in Switzerland
High Number of Science Enthusiasts in Switzerland
The Science Barometer Switzerland published in 2016 showed a clear picture: Swiss people are interested in science and research, and think they are worth supporting. "This main finding doesn't mean, however, that all Swiss people have the same attitude toward science. A differentiated picture emerges by dividing the population into groups," explains Julia Metag, professor at the University of Fribourg.

Social Sciences - 21.12.2017
University of Zurich and Charles University in Prague Join Forces
University of Zurich and Charles University in Prague Join Forces

Innovation - 15.12.2017
Strategic Partnership between the University of Zurich and the University of Geneva
Strategic Partnership between the University of Zurich and the University of Geneva

Life Sciences - Environment - 11.12.2017
How We See the Wolf
How We See the Wolf

Health - Administration - 04.12.2017
ERC Consolidator Grants: Four Million Euros for UZH Researchers

Event - Life Sciences - 22.11.2017
UZH Vontobel Award Goes to Three Researchers

Environment - Life Sciences - 03.11.2017
Mapping Functional Diversity of Forests with Remote Sensing
Mapping Functional Diversity of Forests with Remote Sensing
Ecological studies have demonstrated positive relationships between plant diversity and ecosystem functioning. Forests with higher functional diversity are generally more productive and stable over long timescales than less diverse forests. Diverse plant communities show increased resource use efficiency and utilization, enhanced ecosystem productivity and stability and can better cope with changing environmental conditions - an insurance effect of biodiversity.

Life Sciences - Environment - 02.11.2017
UZH Anthropologists Describe Third Orangutan Species
Two species of Indonesian orangutans had previously been officially described and recognized - the Pongo abelii , living on the island of Sumatra, and the Pongo pygmeaeus , endemic to Borneo. In 1997, researchers at the Australian National University discovered an isolated population of orangutans in Batang Toru, a region within the three Tapanuli districts in North Sumatra.

Life Sciences - 30.10.2017
Important Mechanism of Epigenetic Gene Regulation Identified
DNA contains the blueprint of an entire organism. Based on the information in this blueprint, every cell knows what it must become and what function it must perform. Throughout the entire lifespan of an organism, the genetic information has to be read correctly to ensure that genes are active at the right time and in the right cells.

Microtechnics - Computer Science - 20.09.2017
Drones can almost see in the dark
A conventional camera and an event camera (on the right) picture the same building. The latter reports changes in brightness for each pixel.

Life Sciences - 05.09.2017
First Detailed Decoding of Complex Finger Millet Genome
First Detailed Decoding of Complex Finger Millet Genome
For many poor farmers in India and Africa, finger millet is a major staple food. The crop species is not only a rich source of minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, and it contains many vitamins and essential amino acids.

Environment - 04.09.2017
Diverse Landscapes Are More Productive and Adapt better to Climate Change
Diverse Landscapes Are More Productive and Adapt better to Climate Change
The dramatic, worldwide loss of biodiversity is one of today's greatest environmental problems. The loss of species diversity affects important ecosystems on which humans depend. Previous research predominantly addressed short-term effects of biodiversity in small experimental plots planted with few randomly selected plant species.

Computer Science - 03.09.2017
Huge interest in the world of data
Big data, digitalisation, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things - these terms are on everybody's lips these days, but what exactly do they mean?

Life Sciences - Environment - 31.08.2017
Artists Target Ibexes
Artists Target Ibexes
The video and sound installations, sculptures, and pictures on display at the exhibition aim to build new bridges between art and the natural sciences.

Innovation - Life Sciences - 30.08.2017
UZH Life Sciences Fund Invests in First Spin-off
UZH Life Sciences Fund Invests in First Spin-off
CUTISS is a company with a vision: To use personalized skin grafts to heal people all over the world with skin defects, including burn victims.

Life Sciences - Health - 28.08.2017
Chronic Lack of Sleep Increases Risk-Seeking
Chronic Lack of Sleep Increases Risk-Seeking
Young adults have a natural sleep requirement of about 9 hours a day on average, older adults 7.5 hours.

Health - Life Sciences - 27.07.2017
Malaria Already Endemic in the Mediterranean by the Roman Period
Malaria Already Endemic in the Mediterranean by the Roman Period
Even today, Malaria is one of the greatest medical challenges worldwide, killing hundreds of thousands of people every year. In the past, people have adapted to the threat of malaria in various ways. These methods range from interventions in the environment like draining swamps, to genetic adaptations in the human body.

Paleontology - Life Sciences - 26.07.2017
Large-Mouthed Fish Was Top Predator After Mass Extinction
Possible look of the newly discovered predatory fish species Birgeria americana with the fossil oft he skull shown at bottom right (Artwork: Nadine Bösch) The most catastrophic mass extinction on Earth took place about 252 million years ago - at the boundary between the Permian and Triassic geological periods.

Health - Life Sciences - 20.07.2017
Innate Reaction of Hematopoietic Stem Cells to Severe Infections
Innate Reaction of Hematopoietic Stem Cells to Severe Infections
If severe infections result, the body must form more white blood cells to fight off infectious agents. Hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow are responsible for their production. These cells, which renew themselves throughout a person's lifetime, form all cells of the hematopoietic system.

Event - 19.06.2017
Legend of Prince Vessantara Told on 50 Meters of Cloth

Innovation - 19.06.2017
Lessons from whale population collapse could help future species at risk
The research, carried out by scientists at the University of Zurich and University of Tasmania, used detailed records collected during the commercial whaling of the 20 th century and collated by the International Whaling Committee (IWC) - to look at the effects of overharvesting on whale populations, and used this historic data to help develop methods which can be applied to species of current conservation concern.

Health - 13.06.2017
New "WHO Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity and Health"
A lack of physical activity increases the risk for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases as well as diabetes and cancer.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 18.05.2017
XENON1T: the most sensitive detector on Earth
Dark matter is one of the basic constituents of the Universe, five times more abundant than ordinary matter.

Health - Pharmacology - 04.05.2017
Comprehensive Atlas of Immune Cells in Renal Cancer
Comprehensive Atlas of Immune Cells in Renal Cancer
Renal cell carcinoma is one of the most frequent and deadly urogenital cancers. Even if the tumors are treated, they ultimately end in metastasis in about half of the patients. 90 percent of these patients die within five years. Thanks to new kinds of immunotherapies, the outlook of this patient group has improved, but the treatment only works for a minority of patients.

Health - Life Sciences - 19.04.2017
Action Required: Invasive Fungus Is Killing European Salamanders
The situation is alarming: The invasive Asian fungus has recently led to mass mortality of fire salamanders in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

Environment - 17.02.2017
A novel socio-ecological approach helps identifying suitable wolf habitats in human-dominated landscapes
The wolf was eradicated in Switzerland and from large parts of continental Europe including France and Germany by the end of the 19th century. Following legal protection, the wolf population started naturally increasing and expanding, and in 1995 its presence was confirmed in Switzerland. Sightings have increased since.

Health - Psychology - 06.02.2017
Psychotherapy normalizes the brain in social phobia
Anxiety in social situations is not a rare problem: Around one in ten people are affected by social anxiety disorder during their lifetime. Social anxiety disorder is diagnosed if fears and anxiety in social situations significantly impair everyday life and cause intense suffering. Talking in front of a larger group can be one typical feared situation.

Pharmacology - Health - 26.01.2017
LSD alters perception via serotonin receptors
LSD alters perception via serotonin receptors
Humans perceive everyday things and experiences differently and attach different meaning to pieces of music, for instance. In the case of psychiatric disorders, this perception is often altered. For patients suffering from addictions, for instance, drug stimuli are more meaningful than for people without an addiction.

Environment - 20.12.2016
University of Zurich to become global center for biodiversity research
University of Zurich to become global center for biodiversity research
Prof. Michael Schaepman, PhD Department of Geography University of Zurich Phone +41 44 635 51 60 E-mail Prof. Bernhard Schmid, PhD Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental St

Health - Life Sciences - 08.12.2016
2017 Charles Rodolphe Brupbacher Prize for Cancer Research awarded to Adrian Bird, Guido Kroemer and Laurence Zitvogel
2017 Charles Rodolphe Brupbacher Prize for Cancer Research awarded to Adrian Bird, Guido Kroemer and Laurence Zitvogel

Health - Life Sciences - 05.12.2016
Re-emergence of Syphilis Traced to Pandemic Strain Cluster
Re-emergence of Syphilis Traced to Pandemic Strain Cluster
Syphilis has plagued humankind for over 500 years. After the first reported outbreaks struck Europe in 1495, the disease spread rapidly to other continents and swelled to a global pandemic. When treatment with the antibiotic penicillin became available in the mid-twentieth century, infection rates started to decrease dramatically.

Astronomy / Space - 21.10.2016
Second research flight into zero gravity
A year ago, the University of Zurich conducted its first parabolic flight for test purposes from Swiss soil. Now a second aircraft is ready for lift-off to research zero gravity: Tomorrow (Saturday), an Airbus A310 ZERO-G is set to take off from the air force base in Dübendorf equipped with scientific experiments from the Universities of Zurich, Basel, Lucerne and ETH Zurich.

Life Sciences - 19.10.2016
Overcoming egocentricity increases self-control
In the study, people chose between a payoff that only benefitted themselves and a payoff that benefitted them less but also benefitted another person. (Image: iStock.com/eljule). Should I buy a new car now or save the money for retirement? Such situations require self-control in order to resist the immediately tempting offer for the sake of more important outcomes in the future.

Career - Psychology - 12.10.2016
Swiss employees do not hold back on cynical behaviour
Swiss employees do not hold back on cynical behaviour
This year's Swiss Human Relations Barometer focuses on the topic "loyalty and cynicism" - specifically, the tension between how employees experience and demonstrate both loyalty and cynicism, the latter being a negative, even derisive, attitude that employees develop toward their employers.

Health - Life Sciences - 04.10.2016
Developing brain regions in children hardest hit by sleep deprivation
Developing brain regions in children hardest hit by sleep deprivation
Sleep is vital for humans. If adults remain awake for longer than usual, the brain responds with an increased need for deep sleep. This is measured in the form of "slow wave activity" using electroencephalography (EEG). In adults, these deep-sleep waves are most pronounced in the prefrontal cortex - the brain region which plans and controls actions, solves problems and is involved in the working memory.

Health - Life Sciences - 01.10.2016
Respiratory tract bacterium uncovered as trigger for serious nervous system disease
Respiratory tract bacterium uncovered as trigger for serious nervous system disease
The bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae has been under suspicion for quite a while. Now, researchers at the University of Zurich, the University Children's Hospital Zurich, and the Erasmus University in Rotterdam have proved without a doubt that it is the culprit. In fact, mycoplasma is not only responsible for respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia in children and adults, it can also trigger Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) in infected individuals.

Economics - Career - 30.09.2016
Seven new professorships at the Department of Economics
Seven new professorships at the Department of Economics
The University of Zurich has proven that it can meet several US elite universities at eye level when it comes to recruiting the best talents.

Health - Life Sciences - 26.09.2016
Broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies pave the way for vaccine
Broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies pave the way for vaccine
Prof. Alexandra Trkola, PhD Institute of Medical Virology University of Zurich Phone +41 44 634 53 80 E-mail Website Prof. Huldrych Günthard, MD Department of Infectious Diseases and Hos