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Thermodynamics and phase diagram of high temperature superconductors.

   Philippe Curty, Hans Beck
   Physical review letters, 91 (25), 257002   [PDF source (360.15KB)] [database]  
Abstract Thermodynamic quantities are derived for superconducting and pseudogap regimes by taking into account both amplitude and phase fluctuations of the pairing field. In the normal (pseudogap) state of the underdoped cuprates, two domains have to be distinguished: near the superconducting region, phase correlations are important up to temperature T(phi). Above T(phi), the pseudogap region is determined only by amplitudes, and phases are uncorrelated. Our calculations show excellent quantitative agreement with specific heat and magnetic susceptibility experiments on cuprates. We find that the mean field temperature T0 has a similar doping dependence as the pseudogap temperature T(*), whereas the pseudogap energy scale is given by the average amplitude above T(c).
Type article
Date 15 Dec 2003