Humanities - Media
Colin Porlezza will take part in the Journalistic Role Performance Project
Prof. Colin Porlezza, Professor of Digital Journalism at the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), will serve as PI (Principal Investigator) for Switzerland within the Journalistic Role Performance Project (JRP ), one of the world's largest comparative research projects in the field of journalism studies.
Can AI influence election outcomes?
Artificial intelligence (AI) may be a weapon of mass disinformation, but a recent report has demonstrated that its impact thus far has been limited.
SRG is not crowding out private news media
People who use SRG news also consume commuter, tabloid, and subscription media more frequently than those who do not. Furthermore, the use of SRG news does not detrimentally affect people's willingness to pay for online news. These are the findings of the Yearbook Quality of the Media 2024 published by the University of Zurich's Research Center for the Public Sphere and Society (fög).
Radiophonic cultures: how radio shapes sound and society
The cultural significance of radio is the subject of the research project "Radiophonic Cultures", the second volume of which was recently published. In an interview, media scientist Professor Ute Holl explains the cultural and social forms that radio has produced, and why it remains an essential medium in the digital world.
The JAMES study: exploring the relationship between youth and media in Switzerland
Since 2010, the Institute of Media and Journalism ( IMeG ) at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) has been responsible for the Swiss Italian-speaking region within the national JAMES study ( Jugend, Aktivitäten, Medien - Erhebung Schweiz ).
The journalism crisis: can we manage without journalists?
Tamedia, the owner of the newspapers 24 heures , Tribune de Genève , and Le Matin dimanche , has announced significant job cuts. Welfare plans and cost-cutting measures are increasing in the media industry, both in Switzerland and abroad.
Selected Jobs
PhD Candidate Position in Quantitative Online Discourse Research Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zürich, ETHZ, Zurich