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Pedagogy - 14.10
Associate Professor of Educational Testing University of Luxembourg
Life Sciences - 19.06
PhD Candidate Bioorganic Chemistry Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Muttenz
Agronomy/Food Science - 10.10
PostDoc ’Dairy Housing Emissions when Combined with Grazing’ Agroscope, Ettenhausen
Economics - 10.10
Postdoktorand:in 65 % (m/w/d) Universität Liechtenstein
Materials Science - 09.10
Faculty Position in Surface and Interface Science & Tribology EPFL, Lausanne
Pedagogy - 04.10
Associate Professor in Educational Science University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI
Pedagogy - 04.10
Associate Professor in Cognitive Psychology and Inclusive Education University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI
Education - 03.10
Dozentin / Dozent mit Leitungsfunktion in der Weiterbildung 50 -80% Hochschule Luzern - Wirtschaft
Agronomy/Food Science - 27.09
Technical / scientific Staff - Nutrition LCA Agroscope, Zürich (Expected medium-term place of work: 1725 Posieux)
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