news 2024


Materials Science

Results 1 - 20 of 29.

Innovation - Materials Science - 18.12.2024
The innovation accelerators
The innovation accelerators
Innosuisse, the Swiss innovation promotion agency, supports research-based innovation to strengthen the international competitiveness of Swiss industry. In projects, companies work together with universities or research institutes such as Empa to bring innovative ideas to the market. Empa is currently involved in around 80 such projects.

Environment - Materials Science - 16.12.2024
Please wait before burning
Sustainable, renewable and good for the climate: Wood is the material of the future. But how much of it do we actually have and how do we make best use of it? Researchers from Empa and WSL have now analyzed the material flows of wood in Switzerland in detail - and discovered untapped opportunities. Switzerland has set itself a goal that is as ambitious as it is necessary: net zero by 2050.

Physics - Materials Science - 03.12.2024
A keener eye for the invisible
A keener eye for the invisible
From smart textiles to self-driving cars: researchers are developing new types of detectors for infrared radiation that are more sustainable, flexible and cost-effective than conventional technologies. The key to success is not (only) the composition of the material, but also its size. The ubiquity of infrared detectors What do motion detectors, self-driving cars, chemical analyzers and satellites have in common' They all contain detectors for infrared (IR) light.

Environment - Materials Science - 03.12.2024
Moving towards low-carbon road transport
As a journalist, do you have general questions about PSI? Are you looking for an expert on your topic?  Get in touch with our New protective coating can improve battery performance Increasing the ener

Life Sciences - Materials Science - 28.11.2024
How to make wood glow
How to make wood glow
Since more and more deciduous trees are being planted in Swiss forests, whose wood is often burned directly, innovative ideas for a cascade use are in high demand in order to utilize Swiss hardwood more sustainably.

Materials Science - Microtechnics - 14.11.2024
Sensitive ceramics
Sensitive ceramics
Robots that can sense touch and perceive temperature differences' An unexpected material might just make this a reality. At Empa's Laboratory for High-Performance Ceramics, researchers are developing soft and intelligent sensor materials based on ceramic particles. Most people think of coffee cups, bathroom tiles or flower pots when they hear the word "ceramic".

Physics - Materials Science - 31.10.2024
Fundamental quantum model recreated from nanographenes
Fundamental quantum model recreated from nanographenes
Quantum technologies exploit the unusual properties of the most fundamental building blocks of matter. They promise breakthroughs in communication, computing, sensors and much more. However, quantum states are fragile, and their effects are difficult to grasp, making research into real-world applications challenging.

Materials Science - Chemistry - 10.10.2024
A stiff material that stops vibrations and noise
A stiff material that stops vibrations and noise
Materials researchers have created a new composite material that combines two incompatible properties: stiff yet with a high damping capacity. A compressor hums, an air conditioning system rattles, a railway carriage chassis clatters, sending reverberations through its passengers. Vibrations are not only annoying but can also be harmful.

Environment - Materials Science - 18.07.2024
Bridging the 'Valley of Death' in carbon capture
Bridging the ’Valley of Death’ in carbon capture
Developed at EPFL, Heriot-Watt University, and ETH Zurich, PrISMa is a new platform that uses advanced simulations and machine learning to streamline carbon capture technologies, by taking into account the perspectives of diverse stakeholders early in the research process. Mitigating the effects of climate change has become a major focus worldwide, with countries and international organizations developing various strategies to address the problem.

Physics - Materials Science - 08.07.2024
New method for determining the exchange energy of 2D materials
New method for determining the exchange energy of 2D materials
Researchers from the University of Basel have looked at how the ferromagnetic properties of electrons in the two-dimensional semiconductor molybdenum disulfide can be better understood. They revealed a surprisingly simple way of measuring the energy needed to flip an electron spin. Ferromagnetism is an important physical phenomenon that plays a key role in many technologies.

Materials Science - Chemistry - 05.07.2024
Innovative battery design: more energy and less environmental impact
Innovative battery design: more energy and less environmental impact
A new electrolyte design for lithium metal batteries could significantly boost the range of electric vehicles. Researchers at ETH Zurich have radically reduced the amount of environmentally harmful fluorine required to stabilise these batteries. Lithium metal batteries are among the most promising candidates of the next generation of high-energy batteries.

Physics - Materials Science - 01.07.2024
Mystery of microgels solved
As a journalist, do you have general questions about PSI? Are you looking for an expert on your topic?  Get in touch with our Together for Science with Neutrons, Muons and X-rays Strategic partnership between research facilities in UK and Switzerland will create new capabilities to address global challenges using neutrons, muons and X-rays.

Materials Science - Chemistry - 25.06.2024
Gold membrane coaxes secrets out of surfaces
Gold membrane coaxes secrets out of surfaces
Using a special wafer-thin gold membrane, researchers have made it significantly easier to study surfaces. The membrane makes it possible to measure properties of surfaces that are inaccessible to conventional methods. "Surfaces were invented by the devil" - this quote is attributed to the theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who taught at ETH Zurich for many years and in 1945 received the Nobel Prize in physics for his contributions to quantum mechanics.

Microtechnics - Materials Science - 14.06.2024
Robots au chocolat for dessert?
Robots au chocolat for dessert?
A fully edible robot could soon end up on our plate if we overcome some technical hurdles, say scientists involved in RoboFood - an project which aims to marry robots and food. Robots and food have long been distant worlds: Robots are inorganic, bulky, and non-disposable; food is organic, soft, and biodegradable.

Chemistry - Materials Science - 20.05.2024
Machine learning accelerates discovery of solar-cell perovskites
Machine learning accelerates discovery of solar-cell perovskites
An EPFL research project has developed a method based on machine-learning to quickly and accurately search large databases, leading to the discovery of 14 new materials for solar cells. As we integrate solar energy into our daily lives, it has become important to find materials that efficiently convert sunlight into electricity.

Physics - Materials Science - 13.05.2024
Electron vortices in graphene detected
Electron vortices in graphene detected
Researchers at ETH Zurich have, for the first time, made visible how electrons form vortices in a material at room temperature. Their experiment used a quantum sensing microscope with an extremely high resolution. When an ordinary electrical conductor - such as a metal wire - is connected to a battery, the electrons in the conductor are accelerated by the electric field created by the battery.

Physics - Materials Science - 08.05.2024
Solving physics puzzles with coloured dots
Solving physics puzzles with coloured dots
By analysing images made of coloured dots created by quantum simulators, researchers have studied a special kind of magnetism. In the future this method could also be used to solve other physics puzzles, for instance in superconductivity. Up close it looks like lots of coloured dots, but from a distance one sees a complex picture rich in detail: Using the technique of pointillism, in 1886 George Seurat created the masterpiece ,,A Sunday afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte".

Physics - Materials Science - 19.04.2024
Energy scientists unravel the mystery of gold's glow
Energy scientists unravel the mystery of gold's glow
Researchers have developed the first comprehensive model of the quantum-mechanical effects behind photoluminescence in thin gold films; a discovery that could drive the development of solar fuels and batteries. Luminescence, or the emission of photons by a substance exposed to light, has been known to occur in semiconductor materials like silicon for hundreds of years.

Microtechnics - Materials Science - 18.04.2024
An ink for 3D-printing flexible devices without mechanical joints
An ink for 3D-printing flexible devices without mechanical joints
Researchers are targeting the next generation of soft actuators and robots with an elastomer-based ink for 3D printing objects with locally changing mechanical properties, eliminating the need for cumbersome mechanical joints. For engineers working on soft robotics or wearable devices, keeping things light is a constant challenge: heavier materials require more energy to move around, and - in the case of wearables or prostheses - cause discomfort.

Materials Science - Health - 16.04.2024
Finally friendly fibers
Finally friendly fibers
Rain jackets, swimming trunks or upholstery fabrics: Textiles with water-repellent properties require chemical impregnation. Although fluorine-containing PFAS chemicals are effective, they are also harmful to human health and accumulate in the environment. researchers are now developing a process with alternative substances that can be used to produce environmentally friendly water-repellent textile fibers.