funding in biotechnology and medecine

Results 1 - 11 of 11.

3R Research Foundation Switzerland 3R Research Foundation Switzerland | Location: Bern - Bern region | Wildhainweg 3, 3001 Bern | Category: Pharmacology | The aim of the 3R Foundation is to promote alternative research methods to animal experimentation through grants for research projects as well as to implement and promote the 3R principles.

Fondation Artères Fondation Artères | Location: Geneva - Lake Geneva region | Rue Le-Corbusier 40, 1208 Genève | Artères est une fondation privée à but non lucratif dont la mission est de soutenir la médecine publique genevoise.

Fondation Louis-Jeantet de médecine Fondation Louis-Jeantet de médecine

Forlen Stiftung Forlen Stiftung | General Guisan-Strasse 30, 4054 Basel | Category: Health | Schwerpunkt der Stiftung ist die Unterstützung der Forschung am Tropeninstitut Basel.
Helmut Horten Foundation Helmut Horten Foundation | Location: Lugano - Ticino | 6982 Agno | Category: Health | Supporting the health care system

International Breast Cancer Study Group IBCSG
International Breast Cancer Study Group IBCSG | Location: Bern - Bern region | Effingerstrasse 40, 3008 Bern | Category: Health | IBCSG conducts ac

ISREC Foundation ISREC Foundation | Location: Lausanne - Lake Geneva region | Bâtiment AGORA, Rue du Bugnon 25A, 1005 Lausanne | Category: Health | The ISREC Foundation support

Novartis Foundation Novartis Foundation | Location: Basel - North West Switzerland | Lichtstrasse 35, 4056 Basel | Category: Environment | Affiliation: Novartis | Home

Roche Donations and Sponsorship
Roche Donations and Sponsorship | Location: Basel - North West Switzerland | Basel | Category: Health

Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung

Swiss Cancer Research Foundation
Swiss Cancer Research Foundation | Location: Bern - Bern region | Effingerstrasse 40, 3008 Bern | Category: Health | The Swiss Cancer Research foun